MovieChat Forums > Phantasm: Ravager (2016) Discussion > Was this not supposed to be the "!ast" a...

Was this not supposed to be the "!ast" and wrap things up?

The fact that this took so long to get made, was mooted as the series' finale and as-time-and-age-progressed was obviously and ultimately to be Angus Scrimm's last performance as the "Tall Man"... left me SO frustrated on final wiewing!

It was ok and much better made than I expected, but why make YET another sequel where we are left guessing what is real and what is not, where more questions are raised than are answered and one which leaves things wide open for yet another entry?!!!

It was all very disjointed, and unresolved. Yes it was great for them to open things up with the Tall Man taking over the Earth, but this should have seen our heroes finally facing up to and defeating him... and a happy ending for the characters we've invested so many years, effort and emotion in!

Instead it left things open for a hopeful continuation of the films (or TV series?!) now minus OUR Tall Man Scrimm.... NOT going to happen.

LOVE "Phantasm", but best leave it here!


I would have been fine if the Tall Man won (he kind of did at the ends of the last 4 films). but I would have liked a CONCLUSIVE ending, and nothing was concluded, one way or the other. Mike, Reggie, and Jody are still fighting the Tall Man. The end. That is, I think, what disappointed me the most. The film answered enough of the questions I had with the other movies, including what happened to Rocky (they never mentioned Tim though, I guess he died).

I can understand the limited use of Angus Scrimm. The guy was really up there in years. Even the scene where he was trying to bribe Reggie, it was obvious that he was caked with makeup, and maybe even some CGI to make him look younger.


It does indeed end guys.... the true ending is Reggie dying. The rest in just edited in a way that shows what his final dream was. He was basically fighting the Tall man in his "delusional state" his whole life since Mike was little. I didn't say it was a good explanation, but that's what we were given.

It does indeed finally end... it's just not a good end. Turd-worthy if you ask me of what we deserve. It is however in the Phantasm 2 trailer - delusion. A ghost... Well... The Tall Man was not a ghost, so he must have been a delusion of the mind. We just thought it was Mike's mind, not Reggie's.


I had considered that it was all a coma dream that Reggie had until he died, but later dismissed this, partly due to the REAL mid-credit ending. What really happened, and what explains almost everything, from hat's real to what's not, to what's a dream to what isn't, is Mike's explanation to Reggie in the hospital of how there are multiple dimensions, worlds, and realities (the Tall Man is trying to concur them all), and when these realities begin to align, they begin can overlap. This is what Reggie was seeing during the various time/reality jumping, he was witnessing the different realities (this is also what happened to Mike in the first movie). And Mike was beginning to witness this two after Reggie mentioned the Tall Man to him, which was why he began to doubt that what Reggie was "remembering" was more than mere dementia.


The multiple realities idea was great, and they should have done more with it. Imagine if Reggie had seen himself in 1979 and changed events or, even better, met himself in the present day! Reggie rescuing himself from the dementia ward would have been amazing.


That's what I thought was maybe going to happen when the Tall Man told him that he was back in 1979, that Reggie would find some way to alter the past in some way. It's not like the series was adverse to paradoxes anyway.


Film was a turkey. Ending should have been Hell on Earth begins. Tall Man ushers in a new Darkness. Whole spin off series begins. They F'd up. Warrior midget dude was awesome. They got that right.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"
