Finally watched this today and...
...while i was definitely disappointed i didn't think it was nearly as horrid as some posts have led me to believe.I won't go into detail about the films flaws such as low budget,subpar acting and really bad FX because there are enough posts covering those.I'll just say what i liked.
Angus Scrimm,despite his advanced age and lack of screen time,was as always awesome as the Tall man.If they ever do a remake i can't imagine any one else playing that role.He really made it his own.Also loved the lady in lavender cameo.I thought the way she slowly levitated toward Reggie in that dreamlike ghostly way in the mortuary was the creepiest scene in the movie.
I didn't think the narrative was as incoherent or confusing as most claim.At least not to me.If you accept the parallel universe theory with multiple timelines presented by Mike and that dementia Reggies mind in an altered state was somehow able to connect with his other self in another timeline then it makes sense to me.The only thing that confused me was how the hell Chunky survived that blast and how Jodi was back since the Tall man turned him into a sphere.