Today is the DVD release day of Phantasm ravager and I haven't even received a email saying its been shipped out. Usually before a DVD is released I can go to "my orders" and it will say "shipping soon". " Scream Queens" season 1 is released today also and its on the way so I'm wondering if I'm one of the few who haven't received theirs yet? On amazon it says the DVD is temporarily out of stock but I preordered the DVD about a month ago
Unfortunately, I had the same issue w/Amazon (I pre-ordered Ravager and Phantasm I)-- I ended up going to Best Buy this morning to purchase them (FYI: Phantasm I is slightly cheaper there: $14.99) and canceled my Amazon pre-orders; I hope this helps!
I ended up ordering my copies of ravager and remastered early Tuesday morning from Best Buy. Then I picked them up later in the evening. I believe only a few Best Buys around the US go them, some didn't. they all seem to only get 3 of each movie.
Thanks for the replies.I canceled my order from amazon and ended up buying a copy of phantasm ravager from one of the other sellers.Its already been shipped out! So I should get it any day now.I haven't seen the film yet but my expectations aren't that high.
I actually received my DVD of Ravager from Amazon 2 days ago. I have to admit I was wondering about the status of my order right up until the moment it shipped, as Amazon did not post any updates. Even with a Dec 6th release date, they kept saying stuff like "we need a little more time regarding the status of your order". But it ended up shipping right on time, and I got it on Dec 7th.
I still haven't gotten Remastered or Ravager, but they are due here Tuesday. I pre-ordered because I figured these were two titles that wouldn't make it to Wal Mart. I was wrong, both movies are at Wal Mart right now...Remastered is in the main new release kiosk! Pretty impressive for a nearly 40 year old movie. Ravager is only there as a DVD. I decided to wait for my orders to arrive on Tuesday, but it was hard putting them back on the shelves.
Wow - That is surprising. I never even thought to look at my WalMart.
Though I bought Ravager on DVD (basically to match all of the older Phantasm movies I already own on DVD), I've decided to hold off purchasing Remastered, and wait to see if it comes out in a box set sometime in the future. A Blu-ray box set of all of the films would be especially awesome. After all, I already own three different DVD versions of the original film (MGM, Anchor Bay, as well as the Region 2 Silver Sphere edition). I just don't feel compelled to shell out money for Remastered at the present time, if there's even a chance it might someday be released as part of a box set.
Do post your impressions of Remastered once you've received it, and had a chance to watch it. I'd be interested to hear!
I saw Remastered on the SyFy Network back in October. The picture quality was much improved but of course the movie was censored for TV so I look forward to the blu ray on Tuesday, and will post my impressions when I have it in my hands. :)
I liked it.its not a terrible film at all but I was expecting So much more.The ednding sucked and there wasn't enough Tall Man plus he wasn't scary enough in this one. But the special effects were pretty awesome