did you just compare Troma Films to Saw?
No. I was just making an example based on what you said the audience wants, "gore and things that goe pop." I think people go to other films with the intention of seeing those things. That's all.
The spheres were boring in this film, and didn't bring anything new.
I agree that the sphere's chould have done more, but now we're getting off the topic of fake blood.
There's a number of reasons they couldn't make an awesome sphere. The fact that they didn't have the 5 million dollars split between Phantasm 2 & 3 being the biggest reason.
The only new sphere we got in Oblivion is the one Mike built and it didn't do much. I don't think the Red Sphere was that bad, at least it was something new. Maybe it should have heated up instead and melted the victim.
I'd have done less ball killing and done more with the gigantic spheres.
Just what the hell was up with those? We should have had a scene of Reggie taking down one of those big suckers.
I liked the Gigantic sphere's more than I thought I would. I dig the call backs to Phantasm 2 with the red lazers. They actually didn't look bad and again, a new sphere! But is it really new? There's been a giant sphere on the poster of part 1 since 1979...
http://www.impawards.com/1979/posters/phantasm.jpgNow we finally get to see it in action! ....And Reggie talking to one of them sphere's would have made a good scene, you're right.
The gag with the liquid may have been Don's thing, but it was also part of Reggie's humor ... Humor was certainly something this movie could have used more of, and don't tell me their wasn't any in the first.
There is humor in all of them and, sh!t, if they had that gag in the film I wouldn't have complained. Everything was a call back in this film, so it is kind of disappointing that it doesn't happen. At the same time, I think they went for a more somber approach. maybe not intentionally but organically. The film is dealing with death and dementia all the while Angus Scrimm had really fallen ill, the entire cast has aged nearly 40 years since the original, and they all probably new this was going to be their phinal hurrah... They tried to be humorous with the little person, but I think the ending benefits more without comedy. If you are really buying into the dementia aspect of the film, it's a very sad ending.
Also yes, the director/editor/writer/cinematographer/visual effects artist is lazy. Having all the time in the world to work on this with no set release date, and having weekends to plan and work on them gives no excuse to not have each scene polished to perfection.
He's really not lazy, man, c'mon. He was in the hospital for months. This is a project that he didn't get paid for. He has a wife and a daughter. He has to take care of them too. He makes cartoons for a living. If you do any kind of editing like I do, it can take months. The visual effects probably took twice as long because he knew how critical we would be. I think people are imagining a room full of experts working on the CGI, but really it's mostly David Hartman, if not all David Hartman. He's very talented. There's nothing lazy about a him. I'm sure he's got more to show for himself than anyone on this message board including me.
You have to understand that every director looks back at the things they want to fix. You've seen the movie, you know the film making progressed exponentially as the film went on. It was clear that David was learning the craft. I really don't think they had time or money to go back and re-shoot scenes to perfection. You have to consider no one is really getting paid. They actually did plan on releasing the film a year ago, but Don halted the release to coincide with the remastered Phantasm 1.