MovieChat Forums > Ricki and the Flash (2015) Discussion > Meryl and Kevin just never disappoint me

Meryl and Kevin just never disappoint me

I also wanted to see this movie, not so much for the "plot" or trailers, but st see Meryl Streep and Kevin Kline perform together again, to see Meryl perform with her daughter Mamie, and finally to hear Meryl sing. I wasn't disappointed in any of those reasons.

Yes, the movie is contrite, not such a great dialog, but as the mother who divorced with young children and a career and had to then share these children with a strong, overbearing new wife to the ex, I could really appreciate Ricki's emotions, which I also found respite (albeit not professionally) in music. My kids grew up with many feelings of ambiguity for me, although I did not leave them, they 'blamed' me for not trying hard enough to win a custody battle that 'forced them' to live with their father and stepmother 50% of the time, a decision based primarily upon the time and travel requirements of my career... as if a judge's decision somehow equated the quantity or quality of my love.

I loved Meryl's singing which surprised me because of her range. I know she was trained in voice early on, but I have only heard her beautiful clear soprano in roles such as 'Mamma Mia.' This performance showed her ability to belt out a throaty deep tenor, which sounded appropriately strained after years of yelling over a crown in cigarette smoke filled barrooms.

Despite a less than stellar script, I found the storyline so very close to home and wonderful performances by great actors. Meryl always makes me either weep ('Sophie's Choice') or laugh (?It's Complicated') or both ('Mamma Mia,' 'Ricki and the Flash') as just a tiny list of examples. I have never (yet) been disappointed by Meryl Streep or Kevin Kline.


Argh, I wish I knew how to edit and correct my typos...sorry, but I think you can get the gist...


Does she play guitar for real in the movie?


She did. As you would expect from her. It's s shame the film didn't turn out so well. A rare miss for Streep.


Says the guy who only watched 15 minutes of it. Better to not write anything than to show your ignorance so clearly.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.
