Not only excruciating but...
Embarrassing and I want to punch Audra McDonald on the face ugh....ugh .. And ugh!! Stay on Broadway !
Embarrassing and I want to punch Audra McDonald on the face ugh....ugh .. And ugh!! Stay on Broadway !
I want to punch Audra McDonald on the face ugh....ugh .. And ugh!! Stay on Broadway !
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Was Streep channeling Bonnie Raitt? Yikes.
I don't get how y'all can be angry at Audra McDonald's character.
Ricki abandoned her family to pursue a rock career. A rather unsuccessful one by her own admission.
She left her children! They were little kids. If you can't take responsibility for your children, don't have them. They take priority over you when they are young.
So the other lady raised her kids and loves them as her own. She certainly did better by them their bio mother. And she didn't want a therapy session skipped. Can't really blame her there. And she comes home to find Ricki making herself quite comfortable. I thought she was more than gracious.
Ricki was more face-punchable than anyone. Talk about self-absorbed. And then she goes back to supposedly help her daughter but talks repeatedly about her own lack of funds and is clearly envious of the life she could have had, had she not left.