MovieChat Forums > Ricki and the Flash (2015) Discussion > Rick Springfield's Obvious Cosmetic Surg...

Rick Springfield's Obvious Cosmetic Surgery....

...on his eyes. Doesn't it seem to be unrealistic for someone in his character's, presumably similar to Streep's character's, economic situation? Or maybe it IS realistic because it looks so obvious and badly done.


Yep. I normally don't like jumping on the plastic-surgery-blasting bandwagon, but Rick's face betrays his character here.


I think that her character is supposed to be several years older than Greg. At one point she says "Why do you like me? I'm old, I'm getting fat..." Meryl Streep is actually just a few weeks older than Rick Springfield.


I'm a long time fan (seen him up close at local concerts and in Vegas) and I thought that he looked GREAT! Can't say the same for the work Jack Wagner had done, but I still love him!

"Getting old is not for sissies."
Bette Davis


It's not that it was badly done. Without looking at pictures of him from 10 or 15 years ago, it probably looked good back then when it was done. The problem is that the rest of your face continues sagging, your eyes don't keep up, and it looks horrible. As we saw here.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Thanks. Interesting to know, sounds like you know what you are talking about.

As a plebeian myself I am somehow fascinated by this topic! Also wig-spotting. Unfortunately for my curiosity, I can't find any professionals (employed by Hollywood, etc.) dishing about details online. They must be very, very well paid or maybe just loyal? 😀


Wig-spotting is easy. If you think it's a wig, it is. It's that simple. Your brain is capable of sensing when something is off - like, for example, detecting when someone is a transexual. You look at the person and you just know that something isn't right.

The trouble is spotting the really, really good ones.

Wigs, that is.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


As in the plait extensions Meryl wore. Easy to spot because her hair is so thin, there wouldn't have been enough hair to plait.


How about spotting a merkin from real pubes?


Yeah, he really looked 'off' to me, and yeah the eyes looked funny. And he just looked 'dirty' and I know that's kinda the intent for such a band as they were in, but I grew up with him pictured clean and hot looking in TIGER BEAT and TEEN BEAT magazines, and he just looks bad in this movie.
