MovieChat Forums > Ricki and the Flash (2015) Discussion > Critics afraid to pan Meryl Streep!

Critics afraid to pan Meryl Streep!

Mara Renstein is one of those politically correct critics who is afraid to pan Meryl Streep. Here is an actual quotation (quite embarrassing): "Criticizing a Meryl Streep performance is kind of like disparaging a Pablo Picasso painting."

Really? You are actually going to put Meryl Streep in the same sentence with the greatest painter of the 20th century? News flash to Mara Renstein: Meryl Streep is not a great artist. In fact, she has never done anything creative in her entire life other than look pretty while reading lines that other people wrote for her.

Furthermore, I think that there are a lot of actors who are better than Meryl Streep. For example, take Sean Penn, Gary Oldman and Daniel Day-Lewis. Unlike Streep, all three of these actors are actually able to change their appearance from role to role. In contrast, Meryl Streep just always looks like Meryl Streep. Did I mention the fact that Gary Oldman and Sean Penn (not sure about Daniel Day-Lewis) have successfully written and directed movies? Now there is something that is way over Meryl Streep's head.

By the way, in case you accuse me of being an old sexist pig who hates older actresses, I should point out that I am a young woman myself.

Here is the ridiculous review right here:

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You sound like a really dumb young woman.


Why? That's a bit harsh. What's wrong with stating the opinion?
Even if I don't agree with her I would never call someone dumb because I disagree with an opinion.
Unfortunately IMDB is full of comments like that recently.
I'm the best at what I do, and what I do best isn't very nice.
I'm the Wolverine.




Are you serious? You sound like you think having a Ph.D. in Geology is something that puts you somehow above Meryl Streep. 
She graduated from Vassar and Yale with a degree of her own interest, no need to compare her career choice with yours. But apparently attacking someone for what career they chose is ok with you.




I guess that this is how Meryl Streep's fans operate.

that, too, is a fallacy of logic.

caution: posts may contain sarcasm


I don't know if you're stupid or not, but your judgment should be questioned because you stated, "[Streep] has never done anything creative in her entire life other than look pretty while reading lines that other people wrote for her."

You really think Streep looks pretty?


It should be pointed out here, that tyesavag is criticizing others for personal attacks, yet she is personally attacking Streep. Calling tyesavag dumb is out of line, but tyesavag pretty much stoops to this level by saying, several times, that there are some things, like writing, directing, and geology, that are probably way over Meryl Streep's head. She is strongly implying here that Meryl Streep is stupid. Why so much hate for Streep?!




Write this down. E. M. E. T. I. B. Got it? Now, reverse it. (ALIAS)
 Daniela


I was with you until you threw out "ad hominen" and then felt compelled to define it (the academic resume was just painting the barn after the cows were already gone).

I don't agree with any of your opinions but I do defend your right to express them. However, much like your understanding of the art of acting, your self-defense skills need work.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


Ph.D. in Geology. Again, something that is probably way over Meryl Streep's head

Nope, that would be under her feet.

What exactly does having a phd in geology have to do with her acting?

"she looks like Meryl Streep in every movie"

Well I should hope so, she shouldn't look like William H. Macy.

She is one of the best actresses ever, IN MY OPINION.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog


I agree with you. The person sounds a bit crazy, actually. And then to tell strangers on an IMDB board that she/he has a PhD in Geology? Cred drops to negative.

Artists evoke emotion so a comparison to Picasso is fair and correct. I'll speak for myself, though I have watched others experience this: Streep has made me cry (Sophie's Choice, Silwood), laugh (Defending Your Life, Postcards From the Edge), and feel anger (Doubt, August: Osage County).
I'd say she's quite the artist.


Artists evoke emotion so a comparison to Picasso is fair and correct.

You didn't read the review. The critic was not comparing Streep as an artist to Picasso. She was actually mocking Streep's darling status in acting. The critic was saying that she wanted to criticize Streep but felt she couldn't because there's an unwritten rule that Streep is above criticism, just as there was an unwritten rule that you couldn't criticize Picasso.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


And you sound like a dickhead.


"You sound like a really dumb young woman."

Does she now?

And you sound like a really ignorant, card-carrying, charter member of the sheeple brigade.



Have you considered that maybe just maybe Mara R wrote this as a tongue-in-cheek statement. As in basically "making fun" or pointing out the mentality that is "perceived" since Meryl is Hollywood's acting darling kinda like "how dare we talk about thee great MERYL streep this way! you get 4 outta 4 since you are meryl not because of the performance...I dont even need to see the movie A plus for you" and/or Maran was setting up her review as a warning to all - like "yeah its like I know everyone rolls out the red carpet and swoons at meryls feet and she gets all the awards and is a great actor so no one wants to dare say anything about her buuuuuuut" ...its like Maran is making sure we all know that SHE knows "what cardinal sin she is about to make but she is going to make it anyway so please forgive her" ....she knows the golden rule in hollywood but im prepping you that im going to go ahead and make a not so great review about meryl.... ok? is that ok? are you ok with that? ok good so heres what I think, no offense...."

and..... she actually gave a less than stellar review of Meryl. which is what you are wishing for right? I mean thats what I take away from your distain for her. Plus I think the Picasso comparison is more just to get the point across that its a SIN in hollywood to dare pan Meryl and the comparision is trying to show how much influence she has, not that she really thinks they are in the same league which is apples and oranges. you cant compare the two anyway. Talent comes in different forms.

The actors you named are great, one of my fav is Daniel Day Lewis he doesnt just transform into his characters appearance, he becomes them. he doesnt break character and makes his family live with him as that character which has brought him down to a dark well as his family since they put up with it, but thats how dedicated he is to his craft.... however... hate to say it Meryl is the same. Maybe not AS extremely dedicated every time because she acts often and DDL takes a role every 10 years or whatever.

Even if you are not a fan of Meryl and she is not your taste, you cant say she isnt a great artist and its crazy to think one does not have respect for her. in 1999 for Music of the Heart they dropped a bombshell she had to learn to play the violin as well as someone who it usually takes years to get to that skill level that they do.... in 2 months. She had extensive lessons everyday for 8 hours a day

Sophies Choice: learned to speak German & Polish fluently while being an emotionally scarred woman
Cry in the Dark: nailed australian accent (no matter what americans say over the years ive read comments from australians say shes done the best accent out of anyone that has tried) also while being able to play a role of being cold hearted,accussed of murdering her children- that ish would be hard

Bridges of Madison County nailed Italian accent

Out of African - danish accent

devil wears prade pure dedication and perfection

Julie and Julia- transforming into Julia Child mind body and soul?? come on!!!

so many others so doesnt just "look" the characters... she TRANSFORMS INTO THEM authentically.


Have you considered that maybe just maybe Mara R wrote this as a tongue-in-cheek statement. As in basically "making fun" or pointing out the mentality that is "perceived" since Meryl is Hollywood's acting darling kinda like "how dare we talk about thee great MERYL streep this way! you get 4 outta 4 since you are meryl not because of the performance...

Exactly. That was the point of the comment. The critic was saying she really, really, really wanted to criticize Streep but knew that if she did, she'd face some kind of backlash since in the acting world, there's an unwritten rule that you don't criticize people like her, Glenn Close, Denzel Washington--actors who tend to do historical dramas and Oscar bait movies.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


Look up reviews for Mamma Mia. Many critics noted her red rimmed eyes and uneven singing. But, I always enjoy her.


News FLASH. Pablo Picasso is considered by most artists to be a semi hack.


News FLASH. Pablo Picasso is considered by most artists to be a semi hack.

You're insane. Pablo Picasso was and still is considered one of the greatest artists of 20th century art next to Jackson Pollack, Salvador Dali and Andy Warhol. You obviously don't know a thing about art or art history itself to say something this ignorant.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


Well I hold Bachelor and Masters degrees in art (with a minor in Art History) and I happen to be one of those "ignorant" people who thinks Picasso was a semi-hack. This is what you call an opinion, and in my case at least, it's an educated one. I also think that Meryl Streep happens to be a fine actress, and the accolades she has received are well-earned, an opinion also held by most of her peers in the film industry.


Your comment regarding Meryl Streep as 'Not Creative' because she read lines written for her is puzzling and laughable because the same thing could be easily said about each and every actor in the history of cinema (which is not true).
Whom do you think is a creative actor?


It happens. Critics want to buy in to old hollywood star ideas and often give her a pass.


By "Politically Correct," do you mean: 1) a practice of the late 1980s and early 90s which sought to unlock habitual prejudices by a system of euphemisms; 2) a superficial conformity based on something that sounds right *every movement has one; but I'm tempted to say that for some, it would be a big improvement), 3) a Republican complaint about liberal censoriousness, which they feel violates the natural order by putting them on the RECEIVING end of such behavior, or 4) the pejorative rude people use for common courtesy?

When you hear someone say, "political correctness," how often are they dismissive or defiant? 999 times out of 1000? If they were this monstrous dictatorship, you would think they'd do a better job of protecting their name.

I get SO TIRED of people using the term "political correctness" when they have no idea of what they're talking about.


How PC of you!

Anyway, they aren't paid or leaned on, they do this of their own accord.


"Politically correct" is a conservative buzz word designed to make people who aren't racist/sexist/homophobic/etc seem like they're the weirdos. And not the actually racists.


I saw this particular movie with 3 other people who thought it was fantastic. I thought it rather eh. Good but certainly not great. And n-o-t Oscar worthy so I hope that Academy committee can skip the lovefest for one season! Did, however, love the adorable Sebastian Stan in that flick though!
