Alternate Ending for Better Movie...
I am a person who loves dramas/romance movies. I can sit on the couch and make a day out of watching them, but with this movie, I was greatly disappointed... Granted, I never read the book and never intend to (even though the book is always better than the movie.)
I would have been a lot less disappointed if the movie went a different route with the ending and was condensed into a shorter movie. The movie should have ended with the group of teens discovering Margo's body in the field behind the old shack... This would have made for an overall more satisfying movie and would have given it a much better close that gives the film more of a purpose than this cliff hanging junk of an ending that leaves you feeling you wasted the last however many minutes of your life on a film that went nowhere... Everyone is titled to their own opinion, and I'm sure I will have greatly pissed some people off with this post, but, oh well...