A better movie would have been made if...
Did anybody else think this would have been a better movie if, the Journey to find Margo was more involved and it brought 'Quentin and Lacey' together. The foreshadowing was already there earlier in the movie. They walked together in the Hall, they sat together in the bathtub. I felt the movie had a 'Pretty In Pink' quality, but the movie went the wrong direction. I have no idea where the book went, and I don't care. But the movie should have went this way, and it would have been a better movie.
It made no sense to have the 'Pretty In Pink' original ending with Lacey and Ben together. Like Andie with Duckie at the Prom scene that was reshot. Then they should have focused more on the journey as well, it could have been cooler. Instead, the back bit of the movie was such a let down. It could have been more of a journey to find themselves. It was... but not enough.