I'm sorry if this is too morbid. But, do you think the ending would have been better if Margot was dead, and Quentin found her body? I honestly thought that's what it was leading up to. I think it would've had more of an impact, and she would forever be the mysterious girl. The enigma.
The way the movie ended made me feel dissatisfied, it didn't feel like true closure.
Interesting. You and I have very different views of what this movie is about. You like many people focus on Margot. When in reality this movie is about Quentin.
Quentin has always been doing what he's told, living for the future. His entire philosophy of life is, I do this so I can get the next thing, then the next thing, then in 12 years I'll be happy.
This is why when he says "don't you get it? this whole thing doesn't matter if I don't find Margot!" with the idea he'll proclaim his love and they'll end up together. Then he finally finds Margot and he realizes, that famous cliche has truth. It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. He realized that you also have to live in the moment. Take risks. Enjoy today. That's why his final voice over was talking about "noticing" the moment.
He got this because he didn't get full closure with Margot. He didn't have that definitive predictable end, that he always lived his life by. He stopped doing what he was told, took some risks, and did crazy things that he wouldn't have done if it weren't for her. He got once in a lifetime experiences, and built stronger relationships with his friends, along with making new friends. The last time he mentioned Margot and all her possible locations he says something like "but that's her story", because he learns that this is his story.
With your ending, Margot dies, and I think he would more likely feel emotions of guilt, anger, and learn nothing from the experience. The entire message of the film would be lost to me.
No. Sorry. I don't think that would make a better ending. Impactful, sure but she wouldn't have to die in order for it to be impactful. I thought the film was great for what it was - a light-hearted tear-jerker.
No the way it ended basically was the "Its the Journey ...not the destination that matters" movie.
At first he says it wasn't fun .. if he couldn't find Margo. But then he realizes that experiencing new things and expanding his comfort zone with two of his friends that do love him was what was important.