The existential crisis of the handsome upper middle class white teenager
Are you not entertained?!
Are you not entertained?!
Oh yes! I couldn't agree more. Honestly...does this generation of 'young people' really need to 'feel something' so desperately that they have come up with this pile of white, middle class, BS?
Who the hell 'green lights' this crap???
I don't think you have to be racist to hate this movie.
sharePrivileged people have problems, too...
"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
What does have to do with it?
Do you know what "existential" means? It means you're alive right now, but someday you're inevitably going to die and maybe just be obliterated. And THAT is a hard thing to deal with whether you're rich and white or poor and black. You obviously have a lot of "white guilt" to say something like that.
As for pooh-poohing teen problems, I may have OBJECTIVELY had less problems as teen, but it was a much harder experience than being a mature adult because life was just so much more INTENSE back then. I could fall achingly in love with a girl in a way that I really can't anymore because, as a mature adult, I see women as flawed human beings and not the embodiment of all my hopes and dreams. I don't necessarily miss being a teenager since I was often sad and depressed, but I miss the intensity of feelings sometimes.
A lot of teen movies are a lot of saccharine bullsh*t (this one isn't great by any means), but if you're trying to imply that you shouldn't make movies about white, middle-class teens because they don't have real "problems", that is ridiculous. Human EXISTENCE in itself is an overwhelming problem and it's most intense when you're young.
"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"