MovieChat Forums > Bølgen (2015) Discussion > Questions for Norwegians

Questions for Norwegians

Just got this on Netflix with English subtitles in the US. It was average as compared to US disaster flicks but left me wondering if non-Norweigians might be missing somethings:

The first lines we get from the lead guy is as he is driving, his car radio isn't working and the English subs show his lines as, "Give me a break. I'm 40!" Is that supposed to be funny in Norway or is rather dumb there too?

Why did they throw all of their furniture in the garbage when moving? Do Norweigians only take what they can carry lol?

Most confusing for many is the opening sequence. We learn about the first Tsunami then it cuts to female reporter saying, "58 years after (the last rockslide)". What year is she actually referring to?


The car radio scene: His car radio isn't broken, but he is skipping through stations that play hiphop/dance music before he finds one that plays rock'n'roll. The presumption is that he is too old to listen to that genre of music; as a joke it's rather outdated but that's the gist of it.

The dumpster is full of old and worn furniture by the looks of it, why bother dragging it half way across the country. The rest is probably just trash that's accumulated over the years. If you had to clear out your house before you moved, wouldn't you take the opportunity to get rid of some stuff? If I had to move I would easily fill 3-4 of those dumpsters ;)

The opening sequence is just a collection of old and more recent newsreels from 3 similar (and very real) rockslide/tsunami disasters. The two disasters in Loen, in 1905 and 1936. The third one is Tafjord in 1934, which is the one mentioned as happening 58 years ago. The newsclip in question was from 1992.


Thank you! While the second question was somewhat sarcastic (but I honestly didn't notice it was old stuff), the others baffled me and it makes much more sense now.
