I don't know....

Just let me say that I enjoyed this movie. I love cataclysmic, apocalyptic style action movies.

But the thing I just kept driving me crazy is people standing around staring and doing nothing. Now granted I've never been in a dire situation like this so I don't know if standing around and staring is a natural reaction but in a movie it's infuriating. A giant wall of water is coming towards you so don't stare at it, run away from it. If your boss tells you to push the red button, don't question him and certainly don't stare at it for a minute.


It is infuriating but I think it's pretty realistic. Most people are completely useless in emergencies. They just stand around waiting to be rescued.

I've never been in a disaster like this, but I've been in situations where 911 needed to be called and suddenly all the adults in the room become like children. They either go into into panic mode, screaming and crying, or they freeze up. Completely useless. If one person doesn't take charge and start ordering people around, people will do nothing. Even if it means they will die.
