MovieChat Forums > Bølgen (2015) Discussion > Little fires burning everywhere - questi...

Little fires burning everywhere - questionable

Just a little criticism, not even specifically about this film, but many disaster/action movies do this. In the aftermath of whatever just happened there are always a number of little fires burning all over the place. Even in the hotel, I believe there were little fires burning in every corner. Its a nice touch emphasizing the intensity of the situation -but is it realistic? Fires don't just start on their own. Even if you accept that maybe there are puddles of gas everywhere, each one of them would have needed a spark. Everything is soaked, to get a spark would require sufficient friction, maybe things banging against each other? Seems doubtful


It is completely unrealistic and virtually impossible for even one fire to have lighted up in the circumstances we saw. It is just the director's and DP's trick to light their scene... somehow. This is how it might have played out..

Director Roar Urthaug to DP John Christian Rosenlund: "The power is gone and it is nighttime, but the audience still has to see what the hell is going on, we can't shoot pitch black frames. How do we light our freaking scene?", DP: "Hm, that's tricky. How about lighting a few random fires here and there?", Director: "Fires? How? What about all that water?!", DP: "Hm, have it fully withdrawn without any kind of explanation. Maybe have your lead miraculously survive and then pass out so that the viewers do not know how much time has passed", Director: "Hey John, that's a very good idea!", DP: "Thank you Roar."

(about a year later) John Christian Rosenlund to Roar Urthaug: "Hey Roar, let me ask you.. Have you picked a DP for Tomb Raider or not yet? Because I am full of smart ideas such as the one with the fires on The Wave!"

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


The fires was one big criticism I had too. I found them to be very distracting. If it were just one or two I might've not thought about it. But they were everywhere! After a huge wave? Even downed electrical wires and exploding gas tanks would've been squelched by that massive amount of water.


I was in geirangerfjord once around that time of year. It never got completely pitch black anytime during the night because of its latitude.

I rationalized the fires as burning fuel and then turned my suspension of disbelief back on.
