I love BRIANNA.....

...the rest of the children I couldn't care less about.

Spoiler....bud is probably my next fave, tied with coyote.

And Mallory is at the very bottom.

Am I to understand/infer coyote and Mallory aborted a baby?


That's what it sounded like from episode 10(that their baby would have been 9 at that point).
Brianna is definitely my favorite also. I loved her stoned at the frozen yogurt place talking to Brian. "It's like the same name without the na."


Best advice from Brianna:

"Don't be dumber than f--k"

Pretty much says it all.


I'm not done watching it yet. But so far I'm very disappointed with the role for Mallory's husband. He's a great actor - gorgeous with great comedic timing. But they've got him playing a jerk.


The Mitch character isn't a jerk at all. He has every reason not to like Coyote. I think that based on the Labor Day episode, it was easy to tell Mitch is actually a cool guy.

Also, it's pretty obvious that Mallory and Coyote terminated a pregnancy. In the Labor Day episode, they are talking by the pool about the possibility of having a 9-year old together.


Brianna and Bud are my faves too. I like Coyote, but in an aww, you're a lovable f-up kind of way.
Didn't like Mallory in the beginning, but she's growing on me. She has little to no depth though, so far she is very one-domensional. I had a small spark of oh ok, there's more to her when she rippes open the box of vodka chocolates and stuffed one in her face when all the kids spent dinner at the dads' house. I hope we find out what exactly is going on between her and Coyote.


I too love Brianna but don't like the other kids. Mallory is a wooden version of her mum.

Am I to understand/infer coyote and Mallory aborted a baby?

Where did you get that? It just appeared as though they had a relationship, and Coyote NEVER got over Mal.

Jack's not dead! Jack would never die without telling me, first!


They clearly referred to a Mallory/Coyote pregnancy, but the outcome of it was left ambiguous.


They clearly referred to a Mallory/Coyote pregnancy

Episode 10? I guess I have to watch it again.

Jack's not dead! Jack would never die without telling me, first!


Brianna is AWESOME. Hands down my favorite of the kids. She has the best comedic timing, and she's so cute!


Brianna is a trip. I really like her. She definitely stands out among the rest of the kids. Doesn't the actress resemble a young Deborah Harry?


I'm ambivalent about Brianna. She can be a fun wise-ass, but then again she can be pretty nasty and cavalier about other people's suffering.


when the brothers follow her on a date...hahaha. i guess mallory grew on me. but brianna and bud all day long!

Some people call it a Cul-de-sac. I call it a Dead End


"all day long" lol!


I liked all the kids, but Brianna was my favorite, too. Smart, funny, screwed-up love life, she's very relatable, and she got a lot of great dialogue!

"This is a problem that requires two minds with but a single malt."


I couldn't stand the daughters and Coyote in the first eposide. I liked Bud right away. However, I'm now loving Brianna, Bud and the daughter last. When I heard Coyote was in recovery, I groaned. I think I've seen that character too many time before. But all of them have grown on me, Mallory still last though.



When I heard Coyote was in recovery, I groaned. I think I've seen that character too many time before.
Same, I could've done without that aspect too, but fortunately it isn't the character's whole personality. I think that's the usual fault with the comedic character who's in recovery, that no one bothers to write them a real personality aside from that. With this one, they did! That was a relief. 

"I know he's not real, but we're very close."
