MovieChat Forums > Grace and Frankie (2015) Discussion > Would you attend your ex-husbands weddin...

Would you attend your ex-husbands wedding?

Grace and Frankie handle the situation really well. I mean, really well. Especially Frankie, who still calls Sol just to gossip. I can understand why though. Having been together for so long you're each other's best friend and the urge to not call about exciting news would be hard.

This shows story line is actually quite common. I know people this has happened to and I'm sorry to say my gay friend worked at a strip club in FL and he'd talk about how rich businessmen, who had wives and children, from MA or NY, would seek company with the male strippers. If I found out my husband cheated on me, man or woman, I'd be too heartbroken to speak to him, for a very long time, if ever.

Unless the first few episodes take place over the coarse of a year, I think it's a terrible and huge f you to Grace and Frankie that Sol and what's his name are already planning their wedding. I wouldn't go. I couldn't. Yes I'd want my ex to be happy, but like, I'd need more time.

Lastly, if I had been married to Sol I would've wondered if he was gay the whole time we were together...he seems gay


I think I would be very hurt if I were in Frankie or Grace's shoes and I hold grudges. So my answer will "it would be a cold day in hell type of no."

Or if I would gift them a $10 gift card to a Dollar Store as their wedding gift.

I hold grudges and passive aggressive. I'm a delight. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'd probably go, and I love your gift idea, danajprop!


I wouldn't


One thing that I like about the series is that it shows that exes can continue to have relationships with each other. Usually, TV and movies show exes either having no relationship or really negative, horrible relationships. My ex and I have a very cordial relationship especially now that it's many years after the divorce and there are grown children involved. People think it's odd but I find it to be perfectly normal except my current husband had to kind of get used to having my ex(tra) husband around sometimes.


It would depend how many years had passed, and if I had been the one to initiate the divorce. If I was happy in my new life, then why not? But if I had been betrayed and abandoned, and had believed we had been happy together, as Frankie did, then NO.

I think what Sol did to Frankie was incredibly cruel. They had had a happy family and had what she thought was a viable intimate life, but he thought he needed more.


Yes, if asked I would. My ex remarried and came to my house with his new wife to celebrate our daughters HS graduation. As part of her gift he cooked her a favorite dish (in my kitchen...I knew the ingredients to have on hand) and all was cordial. It was about what would make our daughters day great. Not past animosity. He's since divorced and onto even yet another wife. On second thought, NO. I'd probably feel bad knowing his pattern and that she might not last or deal with her jealousy over me being the first. Too much worry over what NOT to!! Glad you made me think of this. It will keep me from future errors!


Well, my ex-husband came to my wedding when I married my wife. He even took pictures for us.
And we all get along and go out to eat together sometimes and do holidays and birthdays together (my wife, my ex-husband and our son). My wife is very friendly with her ex as well, and his wife.

But, there were years between us getting divorced and my meeting my wife and marrying her. It's not like I was cheating on him with her, and left him for her. I think that would make a difference.

Be careful who you hate, it could be someone you love.


Someone once said there are no friendly divorces, just civil ones. If enough time goes by you could be friendly. Not many people have an Ex at their next wedding.

Trouble usually comes when both exes have to attend the marriage of one of their children and one brings a new spouse (maybe the one who broke up the marriage).

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


It`s nice when exes get along, but not in my case. My ex cheated, left me & kids. Then sued me for years, after I got a GF. Then sued to take the kids 7 yrs later, just in time to wreck high school for them. Now I blissfully don't have to have anything to do with her. Blessed that kids still love me. Invite her to anything? LoL!!

G&F is loaded with hyperbole, and unreal situations, plus it is funny so I give it a pass.


Damn ampersand formatting!
