A question about Lily Tomlin.
Although I have known Lily Tomlin for many years, I have not seen her in anything else besides this (and an old SNL episode). I was wondering if she has always talked the way she does now. It seems to me that at times she slurs some of her words. It is only some of her words and only some of the time. For some reason I feel like her slurring is the result of work she had done on her face, but I don't actually know that she did have work on her face. And even if she did, that's no reason to suggest that it affected her speech patterns. Anyway, I'm just wondering for those who know her and are more familiar with her work, if there is anything different about the way she speaks. P.S. as an example of when I think she is slurring her words--in the episode where she apologizes to Robert, she says "I'm so sorry Robert". The way she finishes his name sounds somewhat slurred to me. But this may just be how she speaks in general.