James Bowen's cameo..
I loved this movie ❤. I loved the guy who played James, thought he was really cute, and I absolutely loved Bob! It's based on a true story and I was curious about the real James Bowen and his book so I looked them up afterwards. They also showed photos of the real James and Bob at the end of the film so I knew what they looked like.
So quiiiiiiite a bit later I'm thinking about the movie and the scene near the end where he's signing his book for his fans.. and it dawns on me that one of the fans (who I remember well because he looked messy and out of place somehow) is the real James Bowen! I'm sure of it! He even said something like "I felt like I was there" -which is really cute btw 😊 Kinda my duhh moment!
So yah, James Bowen makes a cameo in this movie and of course Bob plays himself, which I didnt know until later when I read the credits. And I'm glad Dutch was in this- love her on The Strain and loved her character in this.
🐬 ma ink