JUDY is USELESS and horribly written
She says she has no human emotion and can't care cuz she doesn't have human emotions.
She rarely ever actually helps on missions.
She gets bored soooo easily! If she is a robot with no human emotions, then she shouldn't get bored at all. Also she shouldn't be such a bitch cuz she wouldn't be programmed to be a bitch to her owners since she was designed to help them.
Also she shouldn't be so damn whiney since she's supposed to not have human emotions. If she has no human emotions, then she should OK with everything and not be upset by anything. Since she's a robot, she should be able to clean and kickbutt all day long with no rest.
And since she's a robot, she should be able to take orders. She says no over 99% of the time. What a waste of space she is!