Zane Returns

Though the show's Main Antagonist, Zane Willis has only been in 2 episodes so far (2 of Season 1 anyway). I personally do think that he may return, maybe even redeem himself like his Bionic Chip Creator Counterpart. Atleast he did marry someone, especially as he has his own son, slightly older than KC, who acted as a Relationship. Sometime after Brett and Zane were locked up, I see that Brett had been sent to "The Other Side", reuniting with KC, who hoped he'd redeem himself, then he returned at the end of the first season (those last 2 episodes haven't premiered in my Part of the World yet, though I wouldn't mind Spoilers). I do think the Cooper's Asian American Enemy may return in one of the episodes, like in Season 2, surprised that Brett has redeemed himself, and Bernice's True Identity is revealed (aka, the Fake KC, who was not cloned, but went through Plastic Surgery to look like, sound like, and know everything KC does).

PS, I've learnt that Zane's Actor Francois Chau is one of the actors who previously did Shredder in one of the TMNT Incarnations. Now there's 2 villains, both under the same stat as Main.


Reading the Synopsis of the Season 2 Episode 2 page, I guess that this escapee might be Zane.
