A bad sister to Ernie?

Do you ever notice how often KC cuts down Ernie for her own amusement or to inflate her own ego, but she rarely ever builds him back up again. Crappy sister. Terrible role model.

This show is a pale attempt to recreate the zanniness of That's So Raven. Example:



I agree.

And Eernie is only mean to HER when the episode's plot calls for it like in "The Get Along Vault."

But KC did at least put her arm around him and told him that she loves him. That's a small tiny good sister moment.


Come on, every sitcom involves the characters making fun of each other. Some take it a little more, some give it a little more.


She did seriously contemplate sacrificing her newfound spy job to get Ernie out of trouble in one episode and was the only family member to actually believe he could be a useful spy.


K.C. treats Ernie pretty well compared to other T.V. siblings. She's not physically abusive like Adam Davenport is with Chase, not as vicious as Dawn Buckets even though Kirby deserves it sometimes and has never tried to sabotage Ernie's dreams like Max Thunderman does with Phoebe.
