MovieChat Forums > Henry Danger (2014) Discussion > Snap judgement Mo' trouble Mo' problems

Snap judgement Mo' trouble Mo' problems

spoiler alert -if you haven't seen the show stop reading or your eyes will fall out-just joking. Trying to channel Captain Man here.

Here we are, the first episode of Henry Danger, and the show wastes no time, it opens with a sleepy Henry ( still in his Pajama's) entering Captains secret room, it makes you wonder how far from the Junk shop Henry lives, anyway Henry Perks up when he sees that Captain Man has left a present for him, A new watch, its not the Iwatch, but its better, it plays Holograms, You have to admit Captain Man has some great scientists working for him , he just has the coolest gadgets, The Hologram of Captain Man is just as weird as the real thing, but soon the real thing appears from behind henry giving him a start, You can see already that the best way to describe Captain Man is that he is unpredictable, one of those crazy muudahs, you'd hate to be married to, be a friend of or share a jail cell with, to borrow a line from Shawshank redemption-he is a Twitchy fella.
The relationship between Henry and Captain Man is a strange one, I mean its a 13 year old boy being summoned to a 35 year old mans " secret lair," at 12 midnight, but i think its intentionally weird, as though Schneider was having a good laugh about it, almost as if he's saying: "just how weird can we make this thing because somebody calls the cops."
The Good Captain gives Henry the Hologram wrist watch so i guess he can now communicate with him Darth Vader/Emperor style, but it also means that Captain Man can Hologram him at anytime now, and peek in on him when he wants-like i say its a Twitchy situation.
Captain Man further goes to crazy town by telling him the original bracelet he gave Henry is about to self destruct so Henry quickly throws it to the ground where it explodes, which has Captain Man and Henry hugging each other in fear, they each back away from each other doing the old lets look the other way and pretend that didn't just happen.
Henry tell Captain Man that he was up studying for a huge test that he is going to take in the morning, he is really cramming because the subject is " The History of Puerto Rico," Schneider certainly comes up with some weird stuff out of left field.
Still its weird, i mean in retrospect, Captain Man couldn't wait till the morning to give Henry the watch, more and more Captain Man acts like he's a Alien from another world who has no conception of Earth Time or anything else., eventhogh he is just a regular human that a scientific mishap made indestructible , but it doesn't seem to bother him that Henry is anything but Nor does he seem to care about child labor laws, and the reason there are such things in the first place.
Poor Henry has to accompany Captain Man as word comes in that someone is burglarizing the Glass from the Past , an antique glass shop that is the only glass shop in the world that is open 24 hours a day, I don't think the place even closes on Christmas.
Inside the store a big angry Whiteguy , is menacing the hapless Jamacan sales clerk with a metal pipe, which really isn't as funny as it sounds.
At first when i heard the premise of the show, i assumed that Captain Man only fights super villains, but it looks like he is an equal opportunity hero, i bet he even changes flat tires for stranded motorists, and why not it seems Swellview doesn't have a police force, nor 24 hour road side assistance, they just left the whole load on Captain Mans shoulders.
Captain Man arrives and destroys the villain while Kid Danger destroys the store . They cause so much damage that the sales clerk winds up wishing he had just been robbed, the robber was easier to deal with.
Captain Man and Henry have to clean up the store, those are the rules, i guess it says that somewhere in the superhero manual, Henry is so Tired after the adrenalin rush he falls asleep on the floor of the store.

When Henry wakes up he is in school sleeping at his desk. We finally see Henry's school and his classroom, which is not so different then the Icarly classroom. All the kids are taking that epic Puerto Rican history test, but Henry is so groggy after a night of Super-heroing that even his teacher ( miss Shapen) standing over him and calling out his name can't wake him, so she does the thing all teachers do to wake up their student, she puts her finger in her mouth wets it and sticks it in his ear, Henry wakes up with a start.
This allows us to get a good feel for Henrys school life, as we know since they built this set and hired all these kids to play students we will be seeing more and more, The female teacher seems to have no fashion sense, she wears a pink sweater over a pink shirt, the sweater held close by one button in the middle, the rest of the kids in the class seem harmless, there are no bullies or anything, Charlotte who seems to be literally the only person on the show who cares about Henry and is worried about his change in behavior sits right behind Henry in the Classroom. Charlotte has a nice personality and Riele is doing a nice job with the part, all the other characters are cartoonish, but she is like a combination of Carly and Zuri Ross from " Jessie" and thats a good combination. Of all the kid actors on the show, Riele has the most natural talent.
The Teacher is the kind of adult who doesn't know what twitter of Facebook are, as she mispronounces their names, and accuses poor Henry of being up all-night on Twittergram.
Jasper chimes in and shows that he is almost as weird as Captain Man when he asks The teacher if he can have a Wet Willie also. Henry is so tired he falls asleep again.
Interesting enough, its only after this scene do we see the Title credits and the show opening.

Tomorrow we continue with the snap judgement, as things get weirder at Home, and i mean very weird, when you know who shows up in is bedroom.

some other stuff
Henry mom is a stone cold fox, even Captain Man thinks so. And she looks amazingly like Henry.

Henry Dads is kind of scary, he tells Henry-" he better get a A on his makeup exam and emphasizes the " You Better " part. He is different from most TV Dads who are all kind of harmless, he seems threatening.

Piper continues to be annoying and she already on to Henrys "Secret""

Henry doesn't seem to have a personality, we don't know anything about him, is he a good student or a bad student, is he shy round girls or a loverboy, the character is a shell, with no backstory,

Funniest scene of the night. Captain Man perving on a picture of Henry's mom, asking Henry if she is happy in the marriage or something like that, then trying to leave with the picture. Henry stops him and is exasperated with him.

Captain Man and Gooch mess with Henrys brain in this episode, strapping him into a torture chair that would make Alex from a clockwork Orange jealous.

Jace does a nice riff where he repeats enough stuff about puerto Rico to fill wikepedia page in about 15 seconds

2nd funniest line: Miss Shapen to Henry " I would give you a hug if it wouldn't get me fired"

Interesting enough there is no Moral to this episode. Henry with the help of one of Captain Man's secret gadgets cheats to pass the Test, but there is no comeuppance , he simply gets away with it. With any other kid sitcom, you know he would have failed, because the teacher would have accused him of cheating to get that perfect score. Which would have been funny as well as a life lesson.

the show has a laugh track

My favorite character the talking Plant does not appear
