MovieChat Forums > Henry Danger (2014) Discussion > Space Rock-snap judgement ( spoilers )

Space Rock-snap judgement ( spoilers )

Charlotte really, and i mean really doesn't like Space Bugs. If you would have told me The Space Bug was a clever Symbolic stand in for Ebola, i would believe it. When Charlotte hears there is a Space Bug wandering around the man cave her first action-and last, is to exit stage right, stage left or stage up-like up the tube. She wants nothing to do with space bugs-but who would.
The Space Bug, came to earth in a space rock-like the blob did many years ago, and just like that alien invader, its just no damn good, it looks like a big beetle that glows-but as tiny as it is it has everybody freaking out.
While all this is happening-as if matter weren't bad enough, Jasper has found a way to get Piper even angrier then she usually is and its not a pretty sight. Piper had a chance to get a free download of something, and somehow Jasper messed it up with his silly "Bucket" Podcast. So , it being Piper, she must get her revenge, and that revenge has to be multiplied to the thousandth power.
Everything comes to ahead at Henrys House, both the bug and Pipers revenge have a head on collision. The Bug piggybacks its way into Henrys house and all heck breaks loose, Captain Man arrives to fight the bug while simultaneously hitting on Henrys Mom, who hits right back, leaving Henrys father perplexed by what is happening right in front of his eyes.
The Captain Man-Henry Moms mutual attraction is kind of unique, one wonders if Schneider isn't sorry he gave Henry a Father, as he could have a lot of fun with these Two, but who knows, it being the Schneiderverse, Henry's Dad just might fall into a blackhole or something, freeing up the Mom, for some fun.
Is any Superhero more dangerous with a laser gun Then Captain Man, I mean did he go the Imperial Storm Trooper school for aiming, He basically turns Henrys Happy Home into a piƱata , while Captain Man is going all Futuristic( rather than medieval) on the Space Bug, Piper is getting her revenge on Jasper ( she definitely believes that revenge is a dish best served cold)
Hoisted on her own petard: Its one of Schnediers favorite tropes, its Piper that gets worst of all her plans, when she meets the space bug and it meets her. Now we know Why Charlotte ran, at least Piper who is best described as a fuss budget, Charlote is more of a princess. so of the two, Piper has the best chance to bounce back quicker from her ordeal.
Who even know if the space bug is dangerous, it really doesn't do anything to bad to anybody, maybe it just wants to say hello. But the first response of everybody is to try and kill it.
It was a very funny episode. Sean Fox who plays Jasper is really coming in to his own, he has a real depth of character and is naturally funny, he gets the most out of his scenes and has really created a sympathetic character. Ella Anderson who plays Piper is also a wonderful little actress, and has a nice chemistry with Sean.
Henry, the star of the show, wasn't too heroic in this episode , nor did he have too much to do, besides run from the space bug, and dodge laser fire. If This was a football team, and Henry was the quarterback and Schneider was the head coach, you would say they were doing good job of spreading the ball around, as the Show is suppose to be built around Henry , but in the last two episodes you wouldn't know that.

Funniest part of the episode
Captain Man flirting with Henrys Mom, and Henrys mom flirting right back , which really freaks Henry out. It seems like the space bug infiltration of Henrys Home was just one way for the two of them to meet.
Jaspers Podcast-who ever knew there was that much you could say about Buckets. They even have a Bucketcon.
