Is Captain Man Henrys father? And Jasper a Supervillain?
Why i believe so.
A father is introduced but this doesn't mean that its really Henry's father, he doesn't get along with his sister for some reason, there is a lot of Star Wars/Obi Wan Kenobi type things going on between Henry and Captain Man.
Its obvious Captain Man /Ray and everyone else at the store was waiting for Henry. Captain Man wasn't going to let just any kid who answered that add become his side kick it was all a lure to get close with Henry again or at least bring Henry into the fold. They planted that helped wanted ad on his computer . Captain man probably has one of his surveillance camera's in Henrys house and has been watching him the whole time, and probably put a post hypnotic suggestion in his brain that would be triggered by that add,when they knew their add had reached him and he was on his way, they set everything up.
If Captain Man is not Henry's father then he is his Obi Wan Kenobi and you can expect a Darth Vader like " Henry I am Your Father ," moment in the future from the shows major Villain .
I also believe Jasper is also going to turn out to be a super Villain, who befriended Henry because he knew about his destiny. What proof do i have?
takes Henrys phone and tells him he put a new app on his phone, probably did something to tap it.
nobody could really be that annoying
the Plant instinctively hated him
when meeting Captain Man what does he do? does he ask for an autograph, or take a picture with him like any normal kid would do, no, he hits him over the head with a baseball bat, he also sees that the bat hurt Captain Man momentarily
what exactly does he want all those buckets for.
Jasper knows about the Transmolecular desensitizer and wants to find it so he can become indestructible himself. Remember that when Henry wanted to tell Jasper about Captain Man , Captain Man melted his phone and got Henry promise to never tell anyone about him.
Ray to Henry : "complete this sentence, I'm sorry mother i didn't mean for my elephant...
Henry answers:"lick dad."
thats the clue