Meh (slight spoilers)
don't understand the boy's attachment to the dad. which was obvious from the start, I don't understand why they made it out to be some "reveal" at the end or something.
nothing happened with the girl and boy
nothing happened with the loan shark guy
the end was he got to his lamo grandmas house so he could sit and rot playing checkers for the next fifteen years.
barely any action whatsoever
extremely minimal suspense, maybe 3 minutes of suspense in the whole movie
very short bursts and minimal drama, nothing really gripping to me
I guess I just don't understand what this movie was trying to do
Honestly it could have been good, it actually kept my interest, but frankly I just wanted SO much more from it and the end came and was like "wow that's it?"
that movie could have been the first 20 minutes of an actual good film.
Like if you took a top 50 film, classic, widely regarded as brilliant. took the first 20 minutes of it, then stretched it out to an hour and a half or whatever... that's this film.
It was good in way, but ultimately it was bad.