Flaws in the plan? What if some of the ten didn't go to the island?
As much as I love this story the plan only works if everyone the killer has chosen accepts the invitation and comes to the island.
1- What if some of those invited refused the invitation in the first place? For example the doctor could have been booked up with patients, Vera and the Rogers could have already got employment with someone else before U.N. Owen asked for them and so on.
2- Did the killer have stand by victims ready in case not all of the ten selected could make it?
3- What if someone who had accepted the invitation weeks before got ill or was in an accident on the way and didn't turn up?
I don't know about anyone else here but I would be very reluctant to accept an invitation from someone I didn't know. Even if the ten received letters saying a friend of theirs asked if they could join the party, wouldn't they think it's odd that their friend hadn't mentioned this to them?
It's been a long time since I read the book and I can't remember if it's ever addressed what would have happened if some of them couldn't come to the island in the first place.
I know I'm probably looking way too deeply into this and you're not supposed to think of things like this, but I can't help it.
Go to bed Frank or this is going to get ugly .