The secret adversary in the 50's ??
This is supposed to be just after WW1.. and N or M during WW2. The plot will be changed a lot!! Will this be another Christie story destroyed??
shareThis is supposed to be just after WW1.. and N or M during WW2. The plot will be changed a lot!! Will this be another Christie story destroyed??
shareProbably, but perhaps we can enjoy it for what it is...we'll see.
shareI always prefer it when they stick closely to the source material, so I am both excited and leery about this project.
I imagine moving it to one time period (1950s) makes it easier for the production - a time jump of 20 years between stories would be like working on two completely different projects for the sets and costume designers and the actors would have to be made-up to look years older.
Secret Adversary: The missing pre-WWI treaty that would bring down the British government in light of 1920s politics could now be a late-1930s treaty that would effect post-WWII / Cold-War era Britain.
N or M?: Instead of searching for Nazi spies they could be searching for communist spies.
There are so many possibilities. I have seen and heard practically every available Agatha Christie adaptation, in Russian and Japanese and French too; I actually would prefer a few changes. We already have faithful adaptations of most of her work, let's have some fun with it.
At this point, the only novels not adapted for the screen in some form are Dearh Comes at the End, So Many Steps to Death, Passenger to Frankfurt, Postern of Fate, and Crooked House (although the latter has been in production or pre-production for years now?) I would love to see the latter on the big screen and the others would at least be good tv.
And if any non Suchet Poirot is needed it's a big screen redo of Roger Ackroyd!
I have to disagree with you. There's no need to change plots, characters and time periods when adapting Agatha Christie. Her books are so good, so rich, they already have everything you need to make a great movie or tv series. You need only to change the absolutely necessary to translate the writen word into image. I mean, if you're going to change the story you might as well write a new one yourself!
And as to a non Suchet Poirot, if there's one that needs a redo is Murder on the Orient Express - I loathed Suchet's version! The man is the perfect Poirot, but what he did with MOOE was criminal. Poirot a Catholic fundamentalist to the point of crying because Bouc chose to let the criminals get away?! A woman being stoned in the street?! The revalation of the solution made by Poirot at candle light?! Where in the novel do you find that?! You don't, that's where! A crime, I tell you.
Roger Ackroyd was actualy very good, I think, but I wouldn't say no to a redo. I also would like to see a more faithfull adaptation of Appointment With Death.
have to agree with pretty much all of this. appointment with death was terrible, murder on the orient express was getting ridiculous, why must everything be changed?is it so much to ask that they stick to the book?
I have seen and heard practically every available Agatha Christie adaptation, in Russian and Japanese and French too; I actually would prefer a few changes. We already have faithful adaptations of most of her work, let's have some fun with it.
I agree with you, changing the time period to the 1950's means a lot will have to be changed. I shudder just to think about it. I still remeber what they did to "By the Pricking of My Thumbs" in the Marple series. God help us!
shareWhy did they change the period? The BBC seems obsessed with the 1950s.. and if this series is shot in shades of dreary green and grey I will just scream!!
Why must they try and "improve" the greatest whodunit writer's works..she knew what she was doing.
Bit like buying a 1920s house and stripping out all the 1920s features to make it modern. Crazy!
ITV's Marple was total travesty.. an unwatchable mess as were some of the last Poirots
'The Secret Adversary' has nothing to do with the book. At least the Marple version of 'By the Pricking of My Thumbs' bears resemblance to the original story.
shareit is spectacularly awful. Bears no resemblance to the original at all. Tommy and tupence utterly without any charm at all.
shareI loved the Partners in Crime with James Warwick and I enjoyed ITV's By The Pricking of My Thumbs. I thought Tommy and Tuppence were actually good (not great) and would like to have seen more of them, but, Walliams and Raine just don't bring a spark to the roles or their relationship
shareI finally saw these on Netflix (DVDs) and I must agree. Neither actor sparkles.
I haven't read the books in over 40 years, but I still remember how much fun they were! This series dragged. I couldn't decide whether they were going for a deliberate spoof or whether it was just edited to leave so many "dramatic" pauses.