WAY too much incidental music (score)
It's as if the director/music score person decided they didn't want a single moment of silence. Almost every moment where there isn't dialogue, there is incidental music in the background. LOUD incidental music. Anyone walking down the street, opening a door, sitting on a garden bench looking at a book, the same damned music and cues all the while, sounding like it's come straight out of a recent Marple. I almost expected to see Geraldine McEwan (RIP) come wandering around the corner cooing "yoohoo" at some points.
We don't need music *all the time* to tell us how a character is feeling or what their mood is - that's acting, what they can hopefully convey with their expressions, posture, way of walking etc. Far from underscoring the drama, this much use of incidental music swamps it for me. Let the scenes breathe a little. Focus more on the natural ambient sounds. Use incidental music sparingly when it will have more impact. Please.