OTish: has Shane ever donated to charity??
Fvvk this guy
people hate pewdiepie and markiplier for being "annoying" and "overrated" but at least they donate money to charities. I myself am not a but pdp fan, but I appreciate him using his popularity for good causes.
Can I ask when Shane has ever done this? Has he ever donated? Cared about others? He has all this money and tons of fans that would jump if he wanted, but he never does.
Seems to me he only ever raises money for himself and his own sh**tty content, but never have I once seen him raise money for charity. Always click bait-y, always ranking up on the merchandise, always grabbing for more and more cash from his 12.5 year old fans then complainins about people who hate sponsors.
He's sh**t.
At least other youtubers try to give something.