About a 1hr into the movie I was hoping it would just end. I didn't find too much interesting about it. I don't think the story had much substance or direction. It just kinda roamed around.
shareAbout a 1hr into the movie I was hoping it would just end. I didn't find too much interesting about it. I don't think the story had much substance or direction. It just kinda roamed around.
What a angry little punk you are.
shareYeh unfortunately he thinks he's clever for using cockney slang in his comments, but in reality he's a moron.
Dear Sir,
I'm British unfortunately, but if you narrow it down I'm Welsh and do you know what I call people like you, scrotes (scum of the earth) that have nothing better to do than cause hate and pretend they're big and all mighty.
But guess what your not big, your just a pathetic human piece of sh*t who's probably lonely and will stay this way for the rest of your life.
I agree. I posted my thoughts on it just now.
Well with a name like "poppycockjr" we can all safely assume you know all about hanging about public toilets with "sweets for the sweet" eh! lemme take a gander..I'll bet your "allowance" you were born on a TUESDAY right? the boringest day of the week. D.O.N.E.
Have to agree. Love Tom Hardy and Brian Hegelend but this movie just fell short. They really should have gone with an LA Confidential, Donnie Brasco, or Goodfellas type story then using Emily Browning in the observer role. There just wasn't the menace with the Cray brothers that there should have if it was properly written.
shareThere just wasn't the menace with the Cray brothers that there should have if it was properly written.I couldn't put my finger on it, but I think you mentioned the missing formula. They weren't menacing. For them to do so much, and evidently enough to make a movie out of, I failed to see what made them so tough and dangerous. share
Emily Browning is the main character but as the girlfriend you never get the sense that she is ever in any danger from the Cray twins. And as she is in the observer role, the viewer lives vicariously through her and also doesn't feel any danger from the Cray Twins.
That's why the undercover cop device always works so well or the new gang initiate.
They could have done that with this movie or maybe even with Taron's gay character instead of making that character a comic clown.
By the half hour mark, I had pretty much realized this film was going to be a dud. But I had really been looking forward to it, so I watched the rest hoping it would somehow redeem itself but it never happened. The OP used the correct terms in saying it seemed to "roam around" without the viewer not quite knowing where it was going next. Even if it had been edited it still wouldn't have saved it from its lack of substance. IMHO it didn't let the viewer care about any of the background, no real source of the motivation for their actions. The best developed character was the wife.
It's been many, many years but I remember really liking the 1990 film "The Krays." I'd love to see it again to see if I still appreciate it as much and compare the way the story was presented.
Lastly, I know I've said it before but IMHO this film reminds me so much of "Black Mass" it's not even funny. Both gangster biopics that missed the mark in the same character flow at all...very poorly edited...and somehow they managed to take an interesting story and make it boring. I just don't know how they OK'd the final cut....not to mention how it screened with good remarks (I would assume, anyway). Two films I was really looking forward to and ended up in awe how badly the end result was...besides the acting, almost everything else was wrong. They did a great job of making it look authentic and I can't knock any of the actors but that's about it...the screenwriters and producers, and editors dropped the ball. Such a disappointment.
it didn't let the viewer care about any of the background, no real source of the motivation for their actions.^^This. share
Thanks...I mean, using their older brother or almost anyone else be the narrator would have at least helped a little bit. Tell their story. It just jumped straight into them having already making a name for themselves and having money, without any background at all. If it is a biopic, wouldn't that be important? I want to know why they do the things they do, and how they got to where they are, even if I already know their story. I'm not the biggest fan of flashback scenes but something to tell the story. And for a movie that is 2 hours long, it's sorta mind-blowing.
Go and watch Bad Mom2 or whatever garbage floats your boat.