Very weird accents

I´m fluent in english, but only through the american english, and unfortunately it was very hard to understand the acceents from this movie, what accents were shown in the movie? I´m aware that in UK there are tens of different accents.



London´s East end. The rough part.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.


It's a Cockney accent - very common in East London.

I'd like to add, North Americans speak a bastardised version of English.



So they "wood"

Sorry, we speak understandable English here, numpty.


You need to read more.


It's the finest accent in the land.
It's Laandaan English innit.


I watched a copy that did not have subtitles. I could understand maybe a 3rd. I'm American



Still pissed that we booted your limey butts out of here over 200 years ago?

Good. :)




I'm curious, has anything worth watching come out of the UK since Monty Python?
Just wondering...



@poopycockjr- why do you have this innate obsession to put your stinky, snooty and turdy British attitude on display in most of your posts? Oh wait, you are British!! Well, that makes it okay then...


@poopycockjr- why do you have this innate obsession to put your stinky, snooty and turdy British attitude on display in most of your posts?
Just a immature idiot who has nothing constructive to say.


It's not his Cockney accent per se that makes understanding him difficult. It's like he has a dozen marbles in his mouth. This is beyond any regional accent, this is a speech impediment.


People with speech impediments don't asked to do full length Audi commercials, or voice overs for google, Virgin Atlantic, or Nike. This is one of the most beautiful speaking voices on earth.

The voices he gives his characters are creative, authentic, and easy to understand if you try to.



"This is one of the most beautiful speaking voices on earth."

 Indeed it is.


Movie was hard as hell to understand. I had to turn on the subtitles.



Not a yank, but it seems you're the one that's dumb.



It was just an east end London accent , my dad talks like that so I guess I'm used to it but I can understand why people would struggle

I was waiting for my hearse what came next was so much worse


I'm a Yank and I had a hard time understanding some of the accents. The Cockney-East Enders can be tricky for us Statesiders. Some Londoners are much easier to understand but Northern Englanders can be even trickier. I'm sure it's the same with the English having a hard time understanding people from Southern U.S. or even Pittsburgh, PA. Hell, no one understands the Pittsburgh accent.


I didn't have much trouble understanding the east end London accent.

I worked in Birmingham for 6 months back in the early 90's, and let me tell you - that 'Brummie' accent was challenging.
