I'm in agreeance with some of these..
People who have stated he has MAJOR issues and needs to move forward. Someone said, "He has moved on!" Um, no. He has not. He's crippled and so he has ample time to stew about something that happened DECADES AGO and can never be undone. They got the person who did it. Not that I would expect him to be 100% over his sister's murder, of course not. But this man is the epitome of unhealthy. He has such an extreme fixation on this, yet can't even express emotions normally to his family/son I believe. There were a few scenes where it was an emotional moment and he got almost agitated. Everyone processes emotions differently. Of course. But the fact that he was bizarrely living his life around something that happened that can never be undone, yet can't even normally process emotions in present day!
The cake topper for me was him writing to the killer. Was anyome surprised at the loon's response? I wasn't. But I'm sure Bill thought he deserved some great full-circle apology. We aren't owed anything. The killer is a sick, scrawny little freak who is now how old, rotting in prison. LET IT GO.
I've never seen a more bizarre undertone in a documentary before. And I'm an avid documentary fan. But I can't believe all these people getting their azz handed to them for expressing a realistic view of this guy.
I'm not sorry for having an opiniom that clearly others do too. This is a macho-man, who got his legs blown off fighting for a country that doesn't exactly treat veterans very well, who's biggest attempt at still putting up a fight is being obsessed with a horrific event that has long since happened, been solved. Not for nothing, and forgive my blunt speech- but there are literally people raped, tortured for DAYS before being killed, who die alone, and who's families NEVER find out who is responsible. As horrible as it was, it was decades ago. It has been solved. Move the f@*& FORWARD. And for your own sake, GET HELP.
Anyone bashing me or anyone else with a similar opinion is blind. The man is sick and living in the past. Jesus.