MovieChat Forums > The Visit (2015) Discussion > Why? Why go in the basement??

Why? Why go in the basement??

Just another decent thriller ruined by the ending. Why did the girl, when she finally got away from them, instead of getting a plan or a weapon to get her brother and get the hell out of there, go in the basement! Your mother told you they were not your grandparents! Get the hell out and worry about the details later! Why did you have to "investigate" in the freaking basement? GET OUT! Ruined the whole movie for me. The possibilities of this movie were great and endless, but you sent that dumb girl in the basement.


Because it's just a movie. You could say that about other horror movies that people like.


I agree with the OP, I thought the girl was incredibly stupid going into the basement. It ruined it for me.


Yeah, I have to agree, while Night is usually pretty good with endings, this was not one of those times. That entire end sequence with her in the basement, and then locked in the room with "Nana", was very awkward and silly. And the kid freezing up (just like his in football story), and letting that crazy dude do whatever he wanted to him, and dragging his sister screaming upstairs, ALL without trying to fight back or help. That is, until after his sister was forced to KILL someone to save her own life in a locked room, then came to HIS aid, THEN the idiot unfroze and savagely attacked him, though apparently he was reliving that stupid football moment in his head, NOT the present where these old people were trying to kill them.

Yes, the way he handled the ending was "freakier", but they could have made it just as creepy with the kids trying to run outside, finding the poor lady hung, then the bats*** crazy fake grandparents chase them through the woods or something, and they manage to get away to the police.

I dunno. Just the entire fact that both kids were forced to turn into killers to save their own lives, which means they're both going to be traumatized and messed up for life, and then they throw in the silly end-credits rap where they seem just fine just weeks after that whole mess. Pretty dumb way to end the entire thing. They certainly could have come up with a more satisfying, less "HUH?" ending.


It didn't ruin the movie for me, but I did bump on this hard. Otherwise smart people doing stupid things is a common horror-movie trope though.



This is just one lame error by the scriptwriter...who made a terrible job with the script of this stupid movie but a good job fooling retarded kids that this movie actully is good and worth watching. and spending hard earned cash on...
