MovieChat Forums > Jane the Virgin (2014) Discussion > Why Petra hates Rafael that much?

Why Petra hates Rafael that much?

What did he do to her? I thought he practically rescued her.


He said he was worried that she didn't have the "Mommy gene" and really hurt her feelings. She was also upset that it took him 3 months to notice.


I was disappointed because I feel we are always deprived of a pay off where Petra is concerned. When Ramon Zazlo kidnapped her, her only "moment" of consolation was a brief hug from Michael. Later, she was by herself, had nobody to call, and the only person she had in her life to reach out to was her mother.

Here, she'd been paralyzed for three months, the audience is screaming for her to be rescued almost the same way they wanted MIchael to live, and when she's rescued they again deprive us of a payoff. She pretends to be Aneshka, goes cold, and turns bitch. Not even a second on her emotional relief over having been paralyzed. They let Michael deal with almost being shot. They let Rogelio deal with being stalked, kidnapped and nearly killed. They let Jane and Rafael process their emotions and have a moment. But Petro they just steamroll over the part where she should be able to express some emotional relief and have a little bit of consolation.

I also didn't like "Yeah, the bitch is back!" as a tag. That's astroturfing - you know, a fake way of pretending everybody in the audience wants something when they don't. I think people like the complex Petra. But, even if they wanted to turn her bad again, they shouldn't have shortchanged her. She should have gotten her moments with Jane and with Rafael to receive some comfort.

I get that they want to keep her and Rafael apart, not have them grow closer, because there is a lot of show to go through. But they should not sell the character short, deprive and short change her fans to accomplish that.


I literally couldn't agree more with everything you said.
I just want to add, there's one person the writers treat even worse - Luisa. The writers made her into a joke, going through worst stuff imaginable and in 30 sec screen time she gets each 5 episodes she needs to act as if she had put everything behind already and smile away like a brainless harlequin.


That's true about Luisa. They did a subplot where she was knee-capped and then sort of laughed it off.


deprive us of a payoff. She pretends to be Aneshka, goes cold, and turns bitch.

Yeah, this seems really regressive of Petra. I was waiting for Rafael to point out but Jane and I figured it out.

I think from her outburst were going to see soon that her turning up the bitch is just because she's so mad, and she'll break down about having been stuck paralyzed for three months.
