American remake?
In the inevitable American remake, where will it be set - Alaska?
shareNah, more like South Central LA.
There should be a bloody law against it.
Hah! Very true. The brilliant Norwegian film Insomnia was remade in the US and set in Alaska. It wasn't terrible, compared with most remakes, but it still got way too slick and lost all the weird atmospherics and interior psychology that made the original so good. The Norwegian film was about the disintegration of the protagonist; the American version, even with Christopher Nolan directing, was all about catching the badguy.
For me, I don't care what they do because I'll never see it, but for others it will just draw them away from the original, which in this case is a crime. This is by far the best drama I have seen on TV, and maybe anywhere else for that matter. The only problem it has is a bit dark and involved chainsaws etc., so my wife is having a trouble with this aspect. I just told her it is no worse than The Godfather, which usually works.
That's weird because I experience the remade Insomnia exactly the other way around.. Al's great in showing his character going down.
shareI haven't seen the Norwegian original (didn't know there was one) but I agree that Al Pacino did an excellent disintegration in Christopher Nolan's!
I think I'd better see if I can get hold of the Norwegian version too, though ...
you put that very succinctly…….exactly right!!!!
shareThey already made Fortitude, so I don't see a remake in the near future.
#The X-Files #Breaking Bad #Lost #Hannibal #Fringe #River #Utopia #Twin Peaks
Fortitude is a British production, the Americans do not have something equivalent, so you can still dread the prospect of an American remake of Trapped..
Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.share
I think this show has some similarities to Fargo as well. So Minnesota area maybe.
None apart from the fact it has snow
Newfoundland (the setting for Shipping News) springs to mind.
I hope the Americans don't try to remake this; I probably wouldn't watch it.
I agree the Insomnia remake is quite good, but I still think the original is a superior film in many ways, despite great performances from Pacino and Williams.
Similarly, Let Me In was quite a good stab at capturing the atmosphere of the original - almost.
Having seen the genuine versions of both these films first, I could've happily lived without the remakes and I think the same could be said for any potential reimagining of Trapped.
** the dude abides **
Americans would never set one of their productions in Canada. The bar is set at "crack-smoking mayor of a major city", in terms of what gets Canada noticed on any significant level, by the USA. They're not going to volunteer free attention for Newfoundland. We Canadians have to keep mentions within our own shows of them being set in Canadian cities to a minimum, to maintain the illusion that they could be taking place in America, for a lot of them to have any appeal across the border. Anything else is too culturally foreign... nevermind that Canadian's have no problem understanding and appreciating a lot of what comes out of the USA >_>
You also couldn't possibly set it in Newfoundland, keeping the accents and culture authentic (and how could you not?), and not have it be a dead giveaway that it's the Canadian-est of Canadian settings.
I doubt that Canada would produce a remake, itself... but then, we can muster our own ideas.
I hope not.
They just cant do it, dont just copy it for money and laziness to reading subs. If a remake is made it should be better than the original. You cant make this better. Speaking English and especially American accents just dont have the same feel to the piece. And famous actors also dosent feel as good.
They remade THe Bridge and set it in Texas or New Mexico or something. I actually liked it though.
shareA large part of the atmosphere is provided by the introverted, quiet character of the Icelanders, particularly, of course, Andri & how that contrasts with the terrible events taking place. Hopefully, no remake!