Why not use Erica

as conduit?

Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming


They did say it has to be voluntary. Doubt she would have done it willingly.


I don't think they meant voluntary as in having consent would matter, the lab technician didn't volunteer to be the conduit and he was still used a conduit. It was more voluntary as in somebody that would willingly risk their life to save the Earth, so that the twins wouldn't seem like villains. Erica would have worked just fine, and they had the power to force her. All they had to do was pop her there and grab her hands, the connection seems to be something that cannot be broken until the task is complete or the conduit dies. The lab technician could not fight them off and they could barely break the connection even without a conduit.


I don't think the writers even grasped the rules of engagement themselves. The simplest explanation as to why they didn't use Erica was that they wanted an emotional ending.

The show has been pretty consistent that the bonds between people seemed to enable the heroes to amplify their powers. Perhaps a willing conduit between the two meant they could use their power to their full potential? While a struggling and unwilling one would affect the power output.

We'll probably never know and with Heroes track records it would probably never have been addressed either.


Noah was already dead. Nathan saved him in the past and brought him to the future.

Using Noah allowed him to do this without stepping on another butterfly in the past. I also think it was so he could give Erica that last "*beep* you" in the end.
