The twin's father

Is it the circus guy (Samuel) from season 4?

He had a strawberry milkshake at the brother and girlfriend's job and there was some significance in season 4 about him liking strawberry milkshakes.


Ewwww.... I hope not. Although I can see the connection, my gut tells me it's Sylar.


Supposedly there was an e-comic tie-in for Heroes Reborn that gave more details about Tommy and Malina's dad, which was some dude named "Hammer", apparently he wore a trench coat, which the character IS wearing when we briefly see him leaving the milkshake and ice cream bar.

Of course that could just be non-canon and purely coincidental but who knows..


The Hammer?

I used to be indecisive. Now, I'm not so sure.


There was a Nurse Hammer in the show. I read somewhere that she may have been named after one of the executive producers David. So the name Hammer may be a gimmick and they just left the show open-ended as A) a gimmick in case it doesn't get renewed or B) intend to developed the character next season.

I read bit about the e-comic and supposedly he was nicknamed Hammer because of a Mike Hammer novel Claire had been reading (or something like that). They apparently never showed his powers or real name only that he wanted to be more proactive in protecting evos.

As for the scene, by the way, it looked noway near coincidental. Tommy had a pretty long stare at the silhouette outside the window.

In regards to his real identity it seems the that powers are inherited. Micah's parents were both evos and he had developed a power. Tommy/Nathan inherited Arthur's power of being able to absorb powers. Malina seemed to have control the elements or nature itself which may have been related to Alice Shaw (Angela's sister) or her biological father. So if he is a new character we can probably expect him to be pretty powerful if he can manipulate elements in the same way his daughter can. If he's an old character... well... all bets are off. The closest we're come is Samuel who could manipulate the earth. Considering he was hauled away by authorities at the end I doubt he had any romantic relations with Claire. And rape is probably a bit too dark for Heroes. So more likely a new character with some relation, either as a son or much younger brother, to Samuel. Which would explain the affection for strawberry milkshakes.


My understanding is if Reborn had received a second season, "Hammer" would have been the main antagonist. He was a follower of Samuel Sullivan's and basically would have been the series' Magneto, an evo supremacist.

Which also means that Nathan and Malina would been a bit like Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. I have a feeling that one of them probably would have flirted with joining their father on the dark side but ultimately sided with that season's Justice League/X-men.

Or, in a completely unexpected plot twist, pulled a Pyro at the end of X-men 2 and joined their father's Brotherhood of Evil Evos.



Ew no

Im Buffy, im New.


It's Ted.

or Hank.

or Mr Muggles.

FU Kring
