MovieChat Forums > Heroes Reborn (2015) Discussion > The hell was wrong with Phoebe?

The hell was wrong with Phoebe?

She knew full well that Tommy and Malina were the only ones who were able to prevent the incoming disaster, and save everyone (including her) so she gets the bright idea to kill Malina, and doom everyone (including herself and Quentin)! Ok, fine, I get it! Phoebe is a stupid evil idiot, but there is still more to it than that!

She held Malina in the air, so if she wanted her to die, she could have dropped her. Malina falls to her death, problem solved, right? Wrong! She did drop her once, but immediately caught her and lifted her back up. Why did she did that?  Note that Malina failed to grab the railing the first time, so she would have died, if Phoebe wouldn't have caught her. 


"Bitches be crazy"? I got nothing


Phoebe was justifiably far from sane at this point.
Needing to lash out by can't get to Erica the object of her anger.
So she isn't thinking rationally and is literally at odds with most parts pf mind, freezing her in a state of almost action. She can't do anything permanent until she knows what to do but she wants people to feel some of the pain, fear and anger she does.

I'm like a rabbit suddenly trapped
In the blinding headlights of vacuous crap.


i fully expected Phoebe to have at least 1 brain cell left in her dumb head to realize Erica was not coming back for them and that Malina may be the only one (her and Tommy) who could save her (Phoebe) but nope. being the true moron she is to the very end Phoebe stayed true to form. how did she even get into college (in the webisodes)???


I don't think she wants to just kill her, she want's to see her suffer and die at her own hands (or dark energy tentacles). She was brainwashed into believing Malina was bad... and it was part of her (and Quentin's) ticket to the new future.

Another logic bomb... if Malina got far enough away from Phoebe she could use her powers again. And she showed that she had more than enough power to lift someone from a lake... I'm sure she could have saved herself... or at minimum it would have left an open window for Tommy to pop in and save her. Really when you think about it, if that was indeed her mission, the only way to be sure she'd die was to kill her. Especially if she was trying to follow some specific commands in order to secure that new future for herself.


Couldn't Malina just use her wind powers to fly? I mean, yeah, I know we've never seen her fly before. But, Zachary Levy all of the sudden learned to fly in this episode, so why not Malina?


I don't think he was flying so much as being pulled towards the flare...kinda like a magnet. And I think Malina's powers require her to be grounded. You'll notice that every time she has used her powers she does so with some strain or effort. So I don't think that if she were falling then she would be able to levitate herself. Because she would have nothing to push against to balance her out.


"I don't think she wants to just kill her, she want's to see her suffer and die at her own hands (or dark energy tentacles)."

Now, that I think about it: why haven't Phoebe just used her "orifice invasion" technique then? That killed Quentin in five seconds, even though it got interrupted by HRG, and Phoebe can perform it with one hand. Quick and effective, clean and surgical. 


Quentin wasn't making a breakthrough with her at that point, so why she decided to save and keep hold of Malina was baffling. Also, Quentin could have shot Phoebe in the leg but went for the kill shot. So unnecessary.


Umm.. he'd already been shown enough proof of the fact that if he didn't kill her, she would just keep trying. He recognized that his sister was gone and all that was left was a body filled with Erica's hatred and faulty logic. He was set-up from the beginning of the series (starting in the web series bits) to have to kill his sister in the end. It was the only possible end-game.

Wisdom isn't an after thought so stop looking for it at the bottom of the page


Phoebe's college roommate told Quentin she had been "acting weird" long before Erica came after her. Her ability twisted her mind, too.

FU Kring


I think her powers were too dark for her. I think she was riddled with guilt for being the reason all those people died at the summit. And then, it was all for nothing since Erica planned to leave them. On top of her already having some sort of psychological issues. And add in that she was torn between killing Malina and letting her go. I think she initially saved Malina from the first fall because she was torn between wanting to kill Malina herself and not really wanting to kill her at all. See, the first time Malina dropped, it wasn't because of Phoebe, it was the window that broke behind her which startled her and she dropped Malina. That would have been unsatisfying if she really wanted to kill her. But I also think that at the moment Malina dropped, Phoebe kinda panicked and actually did want to save her. I don't know.

