MovieChat Forums > Heroes Reborn (2015) Discussion > Why couldn't Parkman just read Erica's m...

Why couldn't Parkman just read Erica's mind?

I don't get it. If he bothered to read her mind before all this, he would have known that Erica was deceiving him from the start. Even after he becomes suspicious, he still doesn't bother reading her mind.


The entire show is based on plot holes and forced events, viewers shouldn't expect the characters to use their brains in this one.


up until last night, I theorized she had a persuasion power, like Eden in s1. She forbid him from scanning her.

but yeah, it's just another Basic Logic FAIL on this series.



My guess is that he didn't want to risk it.

To find out what Erica was planning, he would've had to dig around in her mind, not just glean the information off of her surface thoughts. People can clearly tell when he's digging around in their minds, so if he did that months/years ago he may have blown his chance of getting saved from the apocalypse.

Then he's given a position of power, his own facility to run, he feels important, it goes to his head and he thinks he has all the leverage in the agreement. He thinks if he doesn't get his tickets to the future he could throw a wrench in Erica's plans, so she has to live up to her end of the deal.


He only had to ask "Are you planning to bring my family and I to the future?" and he could've gleaned her surface thoughts without ever seeming suspicious. That would only be a fair question. However he could've simply forced her to give him and his family a watch. Thats what I dont understand, instead of forcing her daughter to attempt suicide in hopes that Erica will care more for her daughter, he could've just manipulated Erica and got away


He only had to ask "Are you planning to bring my family and I to the future?" and he could've gleaned her surface thoughts without ever seeming suspicious. That would only be a fair question.

She knows he can read minds, that's why she hired him. The deal from the beginning was that anyone who's in on the plan gets to come to the future. It's not like she's going to stand in front of a telepath, tell him "Yeah, you're all coming" while thinking "What a fool, I'm not taking any Evo scum with me to my future paradise!"


He only had to ask "Are you planning to bring my family and I to the future?"

Sure, he could have asked that... or he could have used proper grammar instead.


why not just mind control her? Why does he need a hostage?

In fact if Parkman is going to be evil he could pretty much just mind control his way to king of the entire planet.


Rewatching the Matt/Taylor scenes, I think he just wanted some decent information he could use against Erica to ensure his family's passage. When he saw Taylor was pregnant, he decided to use that as his bargaining chip, and at least let her tell her mother even if he had to force her to hold a gun to her head if she didn't. He never had any intention of hurting her, just scaring her into making her mother cooperate.

It really could have been explained a bit better, even 1-2 lines would have clarified this.

FU Kring


I have a bad feeling that she's an evo too. Or maybe a "made evo" where Suresh gave her powers.


Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


I think this is the first time that Matt and Erica have ever shared a scene in person right? Erica's smart, she would have inherited all of Primatech's files when she bought the company, so she would have known what Matt could do, so it's possible that she either always talked with him over the phone/video chat or sent a go between so Matt couldn't read her mind.


Great point.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


still doesn't make sense

with Matt's powers he could just start mind controlling everyone around her to get to her.


Why would he do that? The only thing that would do is either get Matt killed or he has to kill Erica, Harris, and anyone else who would die for her. Best case that delays the work Erica was doing as there is a power struggle meaning everything might not get done and Matt and his family die in the solar flare, worst case Matt still ends up dead meaning his family die.

Matt's whole motivation for working for Erica was reconciling with his family by saving their lives he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that. Going against Erica in anyway virtually guarantees Matt and his family die.


He doesn't have to kill anyone...

he can control them to do whatever he wants.


No, he doesn't have to kill anyone, BUT one Erica realizes he knows her real plan, and he can tell HRG/Angela/Hiro/the world, then he has painted a LARGE target on himself and her, and it's a race to see who can stop who first.

If she can get to his family first, he's toast. If he exposes her first, the world panics and she can still have someone kill his family, even if he manages to take her out first. He's screwed either way.

FU Kring


Because there was nothing well written on this show, plotholes and lame writing was all it had to offer.

Bus yes, a valid point.

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about
