Unfortunately I fully agree:
- New characters weren't developed nearly enough with the exception of Tommy and Luke: Until the very final scene Malina was completely one note and was basically just a physical embodiment of her powers rather than an actual full fleshed out character. Latino Batman actually had a pretty good character arc, as did Erica Kravitz, but both of those were so mis-timed and glossed over it doesn't really matter.
- Old characters were bought back just to be killed off: They just KEPT doing it; Renée, Mohinder, Hiro, Matt Parkman, HRG, what is the point in bringing back so many old characters if you're just going to write them off in stupid scenes like Matt's or have them killed by a complete deus ex machina like HRG, completely *beep* all over their characters.
- Absolutely TERRIBLE writing: Seriously, if there's one lesson to be learnt from Heroes Reborn, it's that Tim Kring shouldn't be allowed in the TV business again. Tommy got the complete Peter Petrelli treatment, keep giving him ludicrous powers to make him more and more of a walking deus-ex machina. That clone power he had at the end? Completely stupid. Not to mention some of the dialogue was horrible. "Save grandpa. Save the world" *groans* "Dude... I'm DATING him" *cringes into oblivion* Just.. complete trash.
- FAR too much filler: For a 13 episode show, you'd have thought this wouldn't be a problem, which ties back to the terrible writing. Latino Batman/Micah Sanders/Matt Parkman/Invisible Woman were all COMPLETELY irrelevant to the plot. So much so that you could cut that entire group of characters out and the overarching storyline wouldn't be different at all. Not to mention too much Joanne/Luke moping only to have it all build up to Luke incinerating Joanne in the blink of an eye. Classy. Then of course the ultimate filler scenes which were...
- That utterly *beep* video game storyline: 'Nuff said.
- Horrible CGI: I get this show was on a low budget but some of the CGI (Phoebe's powers, Malina making that tree in one episode, Luke's death scene, the utterly *beep* video game scenes) was so bad that you have to wonder which blind man said it'd be okay to put them into the show.
Seriously, I don't know who thought this was a good show, there are so few redeeming qualities and I say this as a huge fan of the original run. This was just painful and the fact that Tim Kring is ALREADY trying to get Heroes going again makes me so depressed. When will that guy stop ruining what was once a great, unique show?