INSIDER WORD: "NOT 'Cancelled'."
Isa Gunther to Heroes Fans Unite
5 hrs ·
Before I go any further with this, I would like to remind people about one thing: 95% of shows that get cancelled do not come back at all. I can think of about four other sci-fi/fantasy shows that got cancelled and came back, and they are Star Trek, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, X-Files, and Doctor Who. All things considered, we are in DAMN good company with the Reborn. Also, as a reminder, The term "cancellation" doesn’t apply to a mini-series that airs all its episodes, which this iteration of Reborn will.
Now, as to the truth or falseness of the rumor, this is the answer we got from someone who works on Heroes (not NBC, the show itself).
"It was always designed to be a closed-ended [mini-series event]. It doesn’t mean that sometime in the future there won’t be another iteration of HEROES. It doesn’t mean the franchise is gone. It only means that HEROES REBORN [as a mini-series event] is ending as intended. Bob Greenblatt left the door open if Tim wants to do another volume."
Meaning: yes, the Reborn is ending. It was always intended to end. HOWEVER: that does not mean there may not be more. Even NBC states that the door is still open for another "mini-series event," if Kring is up for it. As for whether Kring is up for it, well, it's Tim Kring. Draw your own conclusions on that.
So. In short, yes, this story will end. That does not mean there won't be any more ever. It may be another few years, but the door IS STILL OPEN more another miniseries or event.
Take heart, Heroes fans. To quote Monty Python: "we're not quite dead."
so yeah, she's taking this as "maybe one day...."
Realistically? Maybe if NBC sends it off to syfylys or something, or simply waits out Kring and revives it after his death, we'll get a DECENT follow-up, which Reborn has been anything but.
Right now, I see it as a mercy killing. It no longer had that naive charm, much less any muscle compared to the current Marvel and DC TV shows.
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