The Twins Father
Any theories?
shareYes... he is a 6 1/2 foot Ukrainian professional boxer who competes as a heavyweight. He is a former world champion of four sanctioning bodies, holding the titles of the WBA, IBF, WBO, and IBO. He was discovered to be an EVO after accidentally killing an opponent during a fight. He is back... and he is pissed!
shareas 80% of the threads are about this, you still feel the need to start your own?
FU Kring
He was named "Hammer" after the Mike Hammer novels Claire had been reading.
He knocked her up and walked away.
If Reborn had received a second season, he would have been the main antagonist. Based on everything I read about the character, he would have been heavily influenced by Magneto, Ie. an evo supremacist.
Which also means that the twins basically would have been Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. As I mentioned a few times, I could have seen one of them flirting with the dark side or straight up pulling a Pyro at the end of X-men 2 and joining their father's Brotherhood of Evil Evos.
"based on everything [you] read" in fanfiction? because YOU are the only one posting the $#it about the Sullivan connection and "Magneto" with NO PROOF to back any of it up. says NOTHING about that
FU Kring
They were clearly hinting at Sylar.
"I guess it never hurts to 'shake it up'."
Sylar was my first guess, unless hes too busy and too expensive playing Spock
shareI also thought of Sylar but no way Claire would even be with him in the first place. Besides imagine if the show hadn't been cancelled, they wouldn't be able to show him because ZQ was never returning to Heroes.
The universe isn’t evil, John, it’s just indifferent.
They don't need ZQ at all. Remember, Sylar had stolen a lot of powers. And he did express an interest in Claire in Heroes. Also remember that he learned how to absorb powers like Peter without having to kill the original user. Although he wasn't as efficient at that method as Peter was. And remember that he spent time sharing minds with Parkman and even used Parkman's abilities while in his least Sylar's dark side did. And also bear in mind that Peter used shape-shifting when he grabbed Sylar in the episode where Nathan gets killed. So it could be explained that Sylar improved his ability to absorb powers and did so when Peter touched him thus gaining Peter's absorbed ability to shapeshift. And he could have used that ability to shapeshift into someone else thus gaining him a way to be with CLaire. Or it could be explained that he used Parkman's mental suggestion ability to make Claire and others think he was someone else. Or perhaps it could be explained that he did actually become a good guy or put up a really good front and she fell in love with him. It is possible and there are several ways it could be written. And all the while they would never need to use ZQ to be the actor.
shareThe twins' father was a new character called "Hammer" who was introduced in the e-novella Save the Cheerleader, Destroy the World;
If Reborn had received the second season, he would have been the main big bad.
Yea I had saw mention of him on the boards. Thanks for clearing that up. But in any case I was just mainly pointing out that they could have used Sylar and given a good explanation if they wanted to without needing ZQ to return.
shareyou saw that on THIS VERY THREAD and still chose to ignore it.
FU Kring
Well, if thats what you got out of what I said then sure, why not...bye.
shareYou have your long winded theory above FOUR DAYS after I posted the link above. all you had to do was follow the link, but that's too fkg hard for people to do anymore, isn't it?
You could have saved yourself the embarrassment of being completely WRONG, but hey, you go girl.
Also, others have REPEATEDLY POSTED THAT SAME LINK every single time this subject gets brought up, yet we keep getting ignored for more ludicrous theories of Petrelicest and rape scenarios. then again, the CANON PATERFAMILIAS is a total GaryStu of the writer, but hey, Tim Kring APPROVED!
FU Kring
sharePeter copied the shape-shifting from Sylar, so why would Sylar need to absorb it? Sylar gained the power in volume 4. He even used it to impersonate Nathan when Parkman put Nathan's memories in Sylar's body.
shareI forgot that. Thanks for reminding me. So yea they could use Sylar whenever they want...if it didn't get canceled that is.
shareWasn't Sylar revealed to be another son of Angela Petrelli?? Or was this one of her manipulative lies?
If so, it would be as insestuous for him to be with Claire as it would be Peter. I don't think Peter was obsessed with her in a sexual way, any 'attention' he really gave her was in a protective way, especially when they ended up being related. Peter saw his role as her uncle as very important and as his brother's daughter he would have protected her without limits.
I actually think any sexual attraction came from Claire towards Peter, there was a bond there even before she found out they were related. She felt like she could trust Peter and possible attraction if you read into it that way. You could also read it without any sexual undertones and maybe have the theory that deep down, sub consciously she knew they were family, thats why nothing ever happened between them before they actually found out she was Nathan's daughter.
What happened to that high school friend of hers from series 1? You know, the one that ended up on Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles?? Maybe they got together? Is he this mysterious 'Hammer' fellow?
AGAIN: Sylar knew Angela and Arthur were lying to him, and decided to play along with both in a three way chess match to see what they really wanted. It also helped that Angela "fed him" a psychometric ability at the same time after telling him her version of the lie. Watch Quinto's facial expressions during these scenes, HE KNOWS they are lying to him.
CLAIRE! and Peter my have sexual undertones, but Hayden and Milo actually dated after she turned 18, at least until 2009 when they broke up shortly after she moved in with him in her new house. At that point, she went FULL DIVA, and acted like a spoiled brat on the set, which is likely the reason Kring never called her for Reborn.
Thomas Dekker's Zach was basically written out after "Homecoming", partly because CLAIRE!s story switched from Odessa to NYC and she rarely visited Odessa after that (s4 flashbacks aside). It was also the same time Dekker was up for the John Conner role, and his agent had a $#itfit about "Zach's coming out" scene, so they altered the line to appease her, but the clues had already been laid and the writers AND DEKKER all said they knew the character was gay. So NO, Zach and CLAIRE! never got together and he is NOT "Hammer", because first off, she would have recognized him from the start.
Thankyou for your full and thorough response. And thanks for reminding me that Milo and Hayden dated, I had a feeling they had but I thought perhaps I was confusing them with another couple. In the case of Zach, I forgot he was gay, forgive me.
I haven't seen the online episodes that lead into Reborn, or read the accompanying comics, so I'm unaware of who Hammer is or how he is introduced. I was under the impression, from previous posts, that he was a mysterious character, who was perhaps just referenced and not seen. So if that was the case, he could have been Zach (before you reminded me he was gay).
It's a shame Milo is so likeable, otherwise they (him and Hayden) might have never dated and we may have had the pleasure of Claire being in Reborn.
I posted the h'wiki link above. Hammer is pretty much a GaryStu of one of the prequel novels. His whole existence was to knock CLAIRE! up.
and I could live without ever hearing or seeing of Hayden ever again. in anything including Heroes or Nashville.