It looked like Tommy stranded her in the future alone.
However if Luke, he and Malina, stopped the HELE, then the earth would not be a wasteland and progress would continue on. Then everytime Tommy or anyone would have gone to the future would be the non-wasteland future. He changed the future.
If Erica was right she ceased to exist because she the timeline she was in ceased to exist. That contradicts something Kring or someone else said about Caitlin just being stuck in a bad future when Peter stranded her there by accident and then made that future not possible. So either Erica will live out her days in Gateway by herself or she ceased to exist.
This is why time travel should be avoided in shows. It is too complicated. Because first, it was shown that the HELE was supposed to be stopped. But then, in the future, it clearly happened. So how can something have happened that never happened? But then they stop it. So that wouldn't create a new timeline if you ask me. It would just change reality around Erica. Or to reality, she would have just appeared somewhere.
How did Erica know about the HELE? Angela? Angela also saw that Nathan and Malina stopped it, or tried. If that was the case, Erica should have known that too. But she tried to prevent that by capturing them. It was never stated why.
Back in the Primatech days, Angela had a dream about the end of the world. She told some people in the company about it, and the solution was to rebuild humanity thousands of years in the future using a time traveler to send people and supplies there.
Due to Erica's unreasonable hatred of Evos and her position in the company, she intended to use the mission to wipe out Evos by not allowing them in her future society.
After the humanity-saving plan was set in motion, Angela either had clearer dreams about the HELE and the way the twins would save the world, or someone messing with time created a new future which Angela was then able to dream about.
By this time, Erica had already gained enough control of the mission and was dedicated to her plans of Evo genocide that she preferred the original future where the Earth was destroyed and she could rebuild humanity as she wants, so she attempted to stop the twins from fulfilling their destiny.
If Angela saw from the beginning that her time-displaced grandchildren would be the key to stopping the HELE, there'd be no mission to rebuild humanity far in the future in the first place.
Matt's brainwashing was in the present. He didn't have a wristband, and if the people he was brainwashing had wristbands and would've been transported to the future with Erica's chosen few, he could've just taken three of their wristbands instead of going all the way to Odessa to threaten Erica in person.
And as soon as the recording of Matt's voice was stopped, they all snapped out of it. So it's not like he was trying to brainwash them permanently like some kind of "turn Sylar into Nathan" thing which didn't work out very well anyway. So unless Erica's future was going to have a non-stop recording of his voice to keep the slaves in line, it's not a very efficient slave labor force.
As far as I remember, the only known Evos we saw in the future were Otomo, Phoebe, and Nathan, and there was no indication that Erica was going to allow them to stay and live among her people. They were there because she needed each of them there at the time. Maybe she would've kept some Evos under permanent sedation in order to harvest their abilities for her use, but I seriously doubt she would allow them to walk around freely, even if under some ever-present brainwashing recording.
All Matt had to do was condition them to listen to certain people. They made it clear Sunstroke was there to find "useful Evos" to send to the future as a workforce. Why else do you think the place was suddenly deserted at the fall cliffhanger? Remember that bus Ren suddenly "found" that was headed to Renautas? Who do you think was on it? Matt's brainwashed army.
If they have been made obedient, there was no need for them to have the iwatches from Erica until the time came to transport them. This also prevents any "saboteurs" like HeroTruther or Matt having a moment of conscious/clarity and stealing some watches for his family.
Besides, they already showed us that Erica had a large number of Evos in stasis when they found Molly, and again in the future when we first saw real!Miko. Those were her slave labor force. THAT is what Mat was preparing those people for,even if he didn't know it.
So how can something have happened that never happened?
Because it is what would happen if the time traveler doesn't change anything and that future was always observed by the time traveler (Hiro/Tommy's power) who jumped forward before altering the solar flare.
So time jumps by Tommy before solar flare would always show the same desolate earth.
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