So Peter killed his season 2 gf when he stranded her in the future
According to Erica, if Nathan changes the present then everyone in the future ceases to exist, that's what Peter Petrelli did to his season 2 gf, right?
shareAccording to Erica, if Nathan changes the present then everyone in the future ceases to exist, that's what Peter Petrelli did to his season 2 gf, right?
shareThat whole thing was ridiculous. Tommy can be in two places at once so hes more powerful than Hiro? If hes in different timelines why does he need to be in two places at once. He stops time does his business and then leaves. If hes time traveling hes not in a rush to do anything. Are you kidding me? And Erica ceast to exist? This was just dumb.
shareI don't remember that exactly but it was because they traveled into the future so there would be no Erica in the present when the future Gateway was erased. It would be different if it was future Erica and present Erica was still back in the present.
sharebut it doesnt make any sense. The original timeline basically set it up like there were several existing timelines. people didnt just cease to exist. Hell future Hiro comes back from a dark future to save this timeline. Then this series they threw all that out the door I guess like how they threw out all of the old characters and killed them off.
shareYes but that isn't the case here. Erica and all those people were transported into the future with the event happening. If they changed the event by stopping it then everyone would be erased from the timeline as it was no longer a future. It wasn't their future selves in that Gateway future it was their present day selves.
shareClearly all this time travel seems to be too complex for you but trust me, it does actually add up with the way they established things in the original series.
In season 1 Future Hiro came to present to change his time and he did that. He came to present to deliver the message to Peter and when he did that his timeline was rewritten and then when he returned to his timeline he returned to the rewritten timeline. Only thing is he didn't realize that the timeline had been rewritten as apparently it was the first time he tried to change things and the changes were so small that he didn't notice them as none of them affected his then present situation.
Here's what happened: Future Hiro said that he stabbed Sylar but Sylar regenerated because he had killed Claire and taken her power. But when we later saw the future we saw that Claire was alive before Sylar killed her to take her ability so clearly the future had changed as Sylar no longer had CLaire's healing power. (If he did then he wouldn't have needed to kill Claire again)
Another example of this is from season 4 where Hiro goes back in time and stops young Ando from spilling his milkshake on Hiro's sister. Because of this the present is changed and when Hiro returns from the past Ando and Hiro's sister are suddenly together and engaged and the sister no longer hates Ando as she did previously. However Hiro still remembers the timeline where his sister did hate Ando because he wasn't affected by the timeline change since he was in the past when the change occurred and thus outside of the changing timeline.
except no.
heck, I think I even remember them showing a graph of all the timelines showing that they ran in parrallel showing at certain points do to certain actions the timelines veered off and took different direction. Future hiro came into the past. When he goes into the future, the reason he cant goes to the alternate future is because the actions he took in the "present" at the point he jumped time into the future had already changed the future and he could no longer go to the original timeline he was in. There was never anything about it ceasing to exist. clearly you werent paying attention to how they explained it in season one. Peter couldnt get to his gf in season 2 because he was no longer in that timeline. His girlfriend stayed trapped in that diseased filled future dying a miserable death alone. But season one was the only good season. All seasons after have just been full of errors and poor writing.
This latest edition just served to crap over every thing and every character the original introduced. including the fact that I guess Peter and Sylar, the two most powerful "evo's" decided to just hangout while the world caught fire and left it to two teenagers to save the world.
You THINK you remember seeing a graph? Well, sorry but no, there was no graph shown on the show. I rewatched it when Reborn came out and first season didn't give any graphs of the timelines and neither did the later seasons. There was no definite answer how it worked but most obviously it worked the way I explained to you already. And it doesn't matter if the original future ceases to exist or only becomes inaccessible to the person who went to the past after the fact, the effect is still the same.
share...The H.E.L.E. timeline should still exist as a splinter reality. And Erica's the last human alive in it. Pretty bleak. They should've shown her.
Because yeah, what they tried to establish in this finale contradicts what they said when the original series was running. Peter Petrelli's Season 2 girlfriend, Caitlyn, ain't supposed to have died/been erased...she's alive and stuck in the Shanti virus-afflicted timeline.
Im happy someone else was paying attention when they explained this in the original series.