I enjoyed some parts of Heroes Reborn while thought other parts were bad, I do think people were at times overly critical but here's my thoughts on the whole thing:
- Seemed lame that they only brought back a few of the Heroes, from what I saw there was nothing extravagent done with them either. Parkman for example just crashes his car and that's it.... would've been interesting if he turned full fledged bad guy or actually died in some sort of meaningful fight. Same thing with the Haitian.... was it explained how he is still alive? lol. Also why did he just run off? What happened to him after that? Seems like a lame way to conclude things.
- Giving Tommy the "power of time" thing was a bad idea. It just means the writers have to do zany stuff to cover up for the fact that he can really just go to the past and change whatever needs to be changed. Or just stop time lol. Seems like it's not really suspenseful. The "Hiro Problem" as I called it, lead to lots of bad storylines from the original series... they pretty much always have to have Hiro experiencing some weird thing that is preventing him from using time travel. In this series, he was put in a "video game".
- The video game thing was just really weird. I get that the show is trying to cater to young adults, which is good because any middle age person or older would think this was really dumb. Even younger people still did.... just seems like a weird storyline.
- Obviously Kring didn't plan things out in the same style that Lost was planned, where they knew about the ending well ahead of time. Renautus.... seems weird the company is so huge yet you never heard anything about them from the original series. Not only that, but it seems really easy to infiltrate the place and get to their top secret areas.
- The Carlos thing was cool..... up until the point where you realize that arc of him saving the people held by Parkman was it. I mean they really had nothing bigger for this guy? He needed a major villian, in fact I think he should've been the guy to kill Parkman.
- What happened with Mohinder? He gets framed as being the leader of terrorist evo's, yet after the time travel episodes, it just goes nowhere. Seems like they did a lot of baiting with "showing" the original cast, getting people to think it would lead somewhere but it never did.
- The final episode was just bad. It seems like they could've used just about anyone as a "conduit" especially since Noah wasn't related to the kids by blood. Seems like a weird thing all around, as how does the blue beam actually stop the fire? I wish they would've given a better explaination here.... or just came up with a better storyline.
- Kind of unfair here, as they obviously couldn't get the characters, but the fans should've gotten some follow up on Syler and Peter... they are clearly more important to the series then Claire lol. We know both of them have the power to live forever.... so what happens with them?
Ok I guess that's a lot of problems and I wrote a novel, but I did find a lot of the stuff to be enjoyable. It's kind of embarassing for Kring that the series got cancelled so quickly this time around. Just seems like the guy could start a storyline off well, but could never bridge it out or finish it.