Do they come back? Like, is it only these scrubs now? I watched 20 minutes of it and turned it off because of how insanely boring it is. If there are no REAL main characters except Claire's dad or whatever then wtf is the point??? No sh*t it got cancelled again. Hahahaha!
characters who do NOT appear: Sylar, Peter - absence explained away in novels CLAIRE! - well, her corpse does.... Ando/Kimiko - they do get a mention to explain their absence, but it's a quick line. Doyle - MIA Niki/Tracey/Barbara/JohnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidt/Trudy/whatever Ali is going by this week - MIA Emma - MIA any Carny folk - MIA any tertiary character you can think of - MIA Matt's wife/kid - get mentioned as part of his reason for his actions...
characters who do appear: HRG/Noah - it's his story, until the new kid takes it over. Hiro - actually has an arc that ties everything together Matt - sells out, FB page claims his last scene was fatal, but viewers left in air Haitian - Schrodinger's H-Bomb Micah - hope you watched the YouTube shorts "Dark Matters" Mohinder - gets the blame for the bomb, in no part thanks to... Angela - yep, still kicking it.
oh, and other things that never appear: Logic, Coherent Plot, Sanity.
Nah mate, I'm not starting, I'm already done. I haven't watched and not going to watch more than 20 minutes. How did they think this was gonna succeed with a bunch of randoms?
because they announced right away that it was a "passing the torch" theme to the series, stopping just short of calling it "Heroes: The Next Generation"?
also Quinto, Milo, Ali, and several others repeatedly stated they did NOT WANT TO return? and then Hayden had her fit about NEVER BEING ASKED to return.
Perhaps they did announce it that way, but how were they too blind to see it would never meet most people's expectations? They could've just spent that time making a new show similar to Heroes, not trying to leech off of its' name. But it's whatever. They tried, I guess.
This is why cinema is drowning in meaningless franchises. If one only aims for people's expectations, nothing new would happen, as people expect the same because they cannot think of something new.
The show would have been a lot better, had they dared not to show a single character again until perhaps the final episodes. Instead the deadweight and past of the few characters that reappeared already dragged the show down to the bottom of that pond. Had they wanted to do something really new, they would have started with one episode to set up the conflict and then gone for five or six anthology episodes, establishing each character before going back into the old habit of showing everyone five minutes each episode, showcasing their superpower at least once, while leaving the season arc to some esoteric mumbo jumbo as the time to establish something meaningful, which works on a smaller scale than destroying mankind, but still hurts, preferably utilizing science fiction for what it was made for: allegory.
since they backtracked on giving East LA Iron Man any powers, and basic science concepts were laughed at like they were creationist propaganda, it's no wonder NO ONE wants to see any more of this. even the original show board has been chopped to a handful of posts, it's so dead.
The worst part was the characters they did bring back they messed up even worse. Reborn was worse than anything the original did. In fact, it was worse than season3!