Good idea but poorly executed.
My main qualm is that nothing even happens in most of the movie... wasted potential for me.
Like we get snippets of why the guy lived away from civilization but nothing major... I mean this guy has altered his entire way of living, has 6 children and yet nothing concrete about his past and what specifically made him choose this alternative lifestyle. There could easily have been flashback scenes involving him and his wife about his personal motivations in life and such. Then, if he really is a man of staunch principles and is always honest with his children ( like he claimed to his sister in her home ) why would he teach them to shoplift ? That makes no sense to me.
And then 1 accidental incident with 1 of his children is enough for him to give in after he's lived in the wilderness for well over a decade ?
I thought this movie could have delved a lot deeper into both the different worlds and why the main character feels so strongly about this way of living...there was a lot of potential on this front which could have been utilized but wasn't.
We don't even get any info on what kind of difficulties and challenges the guy faced when his elder kids were young, when exactly did his wife get sick and hospitalized etc.
Overall, well acted by Viggo Mortensen but the movie as a whole was nothing special, could have been a lot better.