Sorry, but the kids on this show are ruining it for me
Not one of them is a natural actor. Watching the two younger brothers is like running your finger nails across a chalkboard. They are way too stiff when delivering their dialog. They don't act; they recite. You can tell the difference. It's like someone told them to smile at the camera and read off a cue card.
The actor that plays Eddie is horrible and embarrassing. I'm sorry, but when he tries to act cool, it comes off as him looking stupid. He has no affinity towards being a "hip" sort of kid.
They are all one-dimensional, and add no entertainment factors other than (trying) to be cute. That goes for Eddie's friends, too.
Even his "older" girlfriend if mis-casted. She is way too big for him; and the two have zero chemistry, even for the teen/pre-teen set.
For the show to survive, it needs to focus more on the parents and give some more time to the grandparent. I know the focus is on the Eddie character's childhood. But honestly, they chose the wrong "actor" to carry this important role. In fact, they chose the wrong actor to carry all the child roles.