You know, it's weird. This seemed like such a dumb show at first, but I was told to hang in there. Sure enough, this episode finally did it. There were some good moments in other eps, melodrama and all, but I could see why people didn't really get into despite the potential of where they could have been going. Then it starts to really get good, so of course it has to be cancelled.
I was just complaining about another show where the writers had to get "clever" and ruin the show, but a show like this you worry will play it too close to the cliches. Then it naturally progresses into something else without having to rely on twists that come out of nowhere, and you really genuinely start to feel for the characters. You start to believe that is something that could have happened (in my case did, or at least very close). I'm actually going to miss this show. It wasn't perfect, but it could have been something good.
I guess at least it went out with a bang, instead of going on for way too long and overstaying it's welcome.